
Amy Steppe

Last evening I began MIC. I do this workout and have in the past been able to get all the way through it with no problem other than my usual fatigue after a good workout.

However, last evening I got 3/4 through it and had to quit. My quads ached so much and I became nauseated. I did it at the same time and had no variations in my nutrition that day. I do not have a cold, neither am I sick in any way. Physically, I feel great!

I have lost around 8 lbs. since Sept, but still have continued to perform at my usual level until last evening.

Cathe (or anyone else out there) are there days you perform drastically better than others? I am so disheartened and disappointed in myself.

I am taking this p.m. off and plan to get back into things on Sat.
Hi, Amy!

It sounds like you're really beating yourself up over this. Please don't! For whatever reason, you weren't meant to do that particular workout on that particular day, so be proud that you listened to your body and stopped when you felt ill. I know I definitely have days when I am able to go all out and others when I am just "going through the motions". I did Interval Max last week and although I got through, I had a headache and was just really "off" the rest of the day. Normally I feel ok after that tape. (I think I may have been dehydrated, but there was no particular reason I should have been.) A few days later, I did PS BBA and surprised myself by being able to increase the weight on a number of exercises. Go figure.

So I would worry only if it continues and/or you think it might indicate a health problem. Whatever the reason you felt bad, it doesn't reflect on your personal qualities -- how hard you work, etc. -- in any way, so you shouldn't feel disappointed in yourself at all.

Too weird!

I did MIC this morning and couldn't finish it either. Just ran out of gas. I really had to talk myself out of feeling bad and disappointed. My body just had enough-who knows?
Don't feel bad-it does happen once in a while to everybody I think. Next time I bet you do just fine!
I love MIC-it really kicks butt!
Did you drink enough Water?

Hi Amy,
I'm not a doctor, but muscle aches and nausea sound like the beginning signs of dehydration.
Did you drink enough water?
Maria :eek:)
Thanks all!

First of all, thanks for all the support. And yes, I am beating myself up over this. I usually do so well cardio-wise.

I was drinking plenty of water during the workout. I am beginning to think it was just an off day for me.

Hopefully, today's workout will be a good one! I am debating between "Step Jam" and "Interval Max"

How was your workout? I remember about two weeks ago I was doing my cardio and throughout I was feeling that it was harder!
I usually turn off the heat while I workout because the room is like a hot box!I had forgotten to and my body really felt it! Go Figure...
Maria :eek:)
Hi Amy

I agree with Maria. I often have to turn a fan on myself even when it's cold or I get overheated and have the same problems you experienced. I also have to drink alot during my workout--a few sips every 5 minutes or so.
I also agree with the others. Sometimes you just have an off day. It happens to me too.

Your symtoms do sound like dehydration especially the muscle cramps. Even if you were drinking, it might not have been sufficient. But like others mentioned, it could have just been an off day.
Thanks - and an Update!

Today, I did "Step Jam" and the abs section on Cathe's DVD with no problem. In retrospect, I think that I was overheated. I opened a window today (it was around 55 degrees outside) and I did fine.

I guess it was overheating combined with an "off" day. I suppose everyone has them now and again.

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