

Hi All!!

Cathe... welcome back! I wanted to be one of the many to say that your new little boy is absolutely a doll...and that I'm thrilled that everything turned out well and that you've got a perfect, adorable, healthy baby!!

Now, here's my problem, I'm becoming increasingly frustrated for several reasons, and could really use some input.

Due to starting a new job, I ended up taking off three months from working out. (bad...bad...bad). Anyways, my little vacation from workouts, in combination with a mega carb/sugar binge during the holidays has jolted me up 2 pounds... okay... make that 6 pounds (I'm still in denial!!).
My problem is that work is so hectic, that I can't seem to get myself on a workout schedule, I'm lucky if I make it 3 days a week to workout, not my choice, but for lack of time. I've heard that it's not good to eat late, but the only way that I can see myself being able to work out regularly is having to settle on some later workouts (6:00 p.m., and then eating afterwards, instead of my preferred workout time of around 4:30). Will eating later sabotage my ability to get results?

Also, I'm wondering if I'm just destined to not accomplish a lean cut phyique. I've (up until my little break recently) was working out religiously 6 days per week... 4 cardio, 2 weight training. No matter what I did, even 6 pounds ago at 120, was still not "cut" or "toned". Considering that's a good weight for me at 5'6", I can't understand how I would still be flabby... Isn't there ANYTHING I can do to accomplish better results? I'm getting desperate here. I'm open to any and all suggestions for losing my 6 newest pounds and getting a more toned bod. I realize that my weight is actually healthy for my height, but I can't help feeling horrible, flabby, pudgy with this weight gain. Please give any advise you can...

My Opinion

Iam no expert but I will give you my 2 cents. I have to workout late (5:30 - 6:30) because of work and then I eat afterwards. But I eat a light meal. I try and eat lunch at about 2 or 3 so Iam not starving at 7. This hasn't sabotaged my results but Iam careful in what I eat. I think that working out later is better than not working out at all.

If you want a lean cut body then the only thing I know to do is weight train, do cardio workouts and make sure you are eating a healthy diet. I do know that we are all different in how we build muscle. So maybe you won't be super lean.

Iam no expert and maybe someone else might have some good ideas.
My two cents...

Hi Nicole

I am 5'8" and never remember ever seeing 120 on the scale!! The trouble is, even tall people like us can carry around the flab. My whole life I've had a stomach that would not pass a bikini test. I now am at what I consider a good weight for me and still have that "flab." I had a friend challenge me once by saying "Don't believe the lies the mirror tries to tell you!" In our case, part of the mirror are the videos we exercise to that have a lot of firm bodies (by the way - I have always thought that Cathe has done an excellent job of using aerobic models that have various body shapes and sizes - keeps it realistic). Like what has been said in other discussions I've read in these posts, not all body types are alike. Comparing yourself to others may always yield frustration instead of results.

Phew! That was a round about way to tell you that you may look a whole lot better than you think. Part of it has to be mental with your new schedule to cope with - sometimes I just feel flabby because I haven't had a good workout. Hope you find a new balance and restored self confidence.

Susan and Joanna

Thanks for the posts...I think I'm just bummed due to my recent 6 pound weight gain...hardly something to feel positive about.

I've always aimed for a toned body...and just haven't been able to come even close to accomplishing it. Even though I'm for the most part thin...I feel and appear to me "loose", and falbby. I think since I was once 80 pounds heavier I'm just destined to always have some flab. Guess it could be worse. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.

Yahooo Nicole!!

80 Pounds!! That is great. You need to be proud of that. We all have set backs and we all do need to realize that we will never be perfect in our own eyes. Work on those 6 pounds ONE-POUND-At-A-TIME!! You probably look great and you are just being too hard on yourself. We're cheering for you
Debbie-Your Friend In Fitness!!
Hey Debbie!!

Your post had me smiling!

Lost 80 pounds about 5 years ago...and have worked since then on getting the "cathe-like" body.. still waiting for it.
It's the 6 pounds that are getting me down... once I get those off, I'm sure I'll feel much better....I just can't seem to get the willpower back. it's like the carbs are targeting my thighs and hinnie, and are secretly pleading with me to eat them. I'm fighting it, and had an excellent day yesterday...but today I've been a tad pretzel happy... Oh well..there's always tomorrow.

Your Pal,

I know what you mean about those ole carbs!! They seem to target my thighs & hinnie too. You are soo funny. I battle 10 (not 6) pounds, so I can relate. It is very frustrating at times. Hang in there, my twin, and we will work hard on this TOGETHER!!! Keep in mind, those pretzels could have been ICE CREAM SUNDAES!! (But you were good
and went for the Fat Free snack!!)I'm working hard on rotating videos right now hoping it gives my metabolism a kick! I'll keep you posted. Debbie
Hey "twinnie"...

Yup...I'm a carb addict. You name it... pretzels, cereal..i'm horrible! It's like they just seductively call me and leave me no other option than to eat them. I'm getting there though. I briefly fell off the "workout wagon"...and I've been back on for three weeks. Last night did weights for the first time in about 3 months, and my poor little muscles are a bit ticked at me today. Walking is proving to be a real chore this morning. Going to have to go home and stretch...stretch...stretch. Meanwhile...the pretzels will comfort me!!

Your Pal-

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