Help with public speaking

Oh - and one more trick. If all of you are going to do a presentation that day, my best advice about that is - try to be either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd speaker if possible. The reason is, if you go first-ish, no one will even pay attention to what you are saying (!!!!) because they are too busy thinking about their own presentation and how nervous they are. Seriously! My dad always told me that and so I always tried be 2nd!!!

You'll do great Bridget. Just be yourself, and you'll wow 'em.

I was frantic in my first public speaking course 2000 years ago. The practice tip (saying it outloud) and knowing your topic well are the two things that helped me the most. Once you get rolling it gets a bit easier, and know that everyone in the room is in the same boat.
Try to go on early, while no one is listening because they're all thinking about their own speeches. And take beta blockers.

Don't be like me and call in sick and ask the professor if you can send your speech in on tape.

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