help with legs


New Member
Help Cathe
I am a week into the STS program and love it. I have one problem I am not strong enough yet to do the legs. I tried and I have a real hard time doing the moves. My legs are for sure my weak spots. I think the only reason I can do the arms and back is because I have a very big 15month old and a very big 2month old(I'm talking 99%both weight and length for both of them) and I carry and pick them up all day. What can I do for my legs? Is there another dvd I can sub for the sts legs until I get stronger? Or are there any certian moves I can do? I really want to be successful at this program(I don't care if it takes me 2years to do it) Is there any way you can help please?

Stick with it but try all the moves first without carrying any weights. Get through that first. Then add in light weights and only increase the weight when you can finish the program easily at the lighter weights and are ready for a challenge. It could take several months to make this progression, but that's OK, you aren't going anywhere are you? I mean, you have your whole life to work on your form and gradually increase your muscle endurance and leg strength.

So, this first time around through the STS program, you will carry on as you are for the upper body and complete the program one time through for the lower body without using weights, just go through the movements until you become familiar with Cathe lower body exercises. When you get to Meso 3, the exercises should be pretty familiar to you as they are the basics: squats, lunges, plie squats, etc. By the time you get to here, see if you can add weight in to make this part of the program work for you.

It doesn't matter if you complete STS without using much weight or any weight at all for the lower body. Just doing the exercises and perfecting your form is a step forward. Then, either you will decide to go straight into round 2 of the STS program, in which case you could start adding weights in through Meso 1 and 2 also, or you will opt to pursue a different program for a little while before returning to STS. In the case of the latter option, you will find that every Cathe lower body program contains the basics and variations thereupon. So, since you have gotten to know these basic moves through Meso 3, you can now start to use light weights as you play around with Leaner Legs, Butts & Guts, GS legs, etc.

You'll get there. Strength is built slowly but surely using progressive overload. You can't rush it. Build it steadily over the next 3-6 months. Enjoy charting your own progress!


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