help with a rotation?


I was wondering..
How do I make a rotation using the 2 dvds I own: PUB/PLB and Power hour?
Since the Power Hour dvd contains 3 seperate workouts can I do one each day? I hear so much about separating body parts to avoid over training.
And the Pyramids workout is best done on two separate days right?
I am not new to this board but very,very new to Cathe.
I may be underestimating these workouts.. and since everyone here has so much more experience I'd appreciate an opinion or some guidance.
POwer hour has body max and MIS
The pyramids could be done on the same day for afull body workout would be tough but not impossible if you have the time as afr as a rotation I do not know as I am not qualified but someone will chime in and help I love Power Hour and love the MIs too actually love all Muscle endurance is graet too!
Hi, Kelly!

You have a good selection in those workouts!

I like to strength train each body part twice per week. I always give each body part at least a day off between workouts to let the muscle rest and heal because lifting tears the muscle and as your body repairs it, it comes back stronger and larger. You want to make sure you have high quality protein in your diet also. I have done the pyramids in one day to make up for a skip and it's doable but but tough! I like to separate them so I don't feel completely wiped out for the rest of the day. If you use the premix options, however, and pyramid up or down only, they become easier to do as one workout and that's a great option. The cardio on BodyMax is among my absolute favorite! What other cardio do you do? Do you do cardio and strength on the same day or alternate them?

You could try something like this:

Week 1
Monday BodyMax

Tuesday cardio

Wednesday PUB

Thursday PLB

Friday cardio

Saturday cardio

Sunday rest

Week 2
Monday BodyMax step portion only/cool down/stretch

Tuesday Power Hour

Wednesday cardio

Thursday MIS

Friday cardio

Saturday cardio

Sunday rest

If you do like cardio and strength on the same day, you can definitely tack cardio on before or after your strength training. I would aim for doing any two full body workouts in one week. I like to do the Pyramids back to back but you can stick a day in between. You can also do three in a week such as BodyMax on Monday, Power Hour on Wednesday, MIS on Friday with cardio on the same or alternate days. Just listen to your body. If you feel tired back off to two. If you feel great go for it! You might also do three one week and the following week focus on one, perhaps the Pyramids they can be done quite heavy because of the slower pace.

You may want to do more cardio or less than I have suggested. I like to get up to 6 days of work and at least one rest day but that's my personal preference and it varies quite a lot. Good luck and have fun!

I hope this helps!

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

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