Help! What to call Grandmom...


Help! I know this has nothing to do with working out but I am so fustrated I thought maybe someone out there could help me. I am a regular here at Cathe's forums and had a baby boy on Oct 3rd. The problem is that my mother-in-law has no idea what she wants her new grandson to call her, except that she has made it perfectly clear that she does not want to be called Grandmom!

So I am hoping for some suggestions on what other grandparents have been called and just maybe I can help solve my mother-in law's identity crisis. Its terribly frustrating to me every time she visits I have no idea what I should refer to her as.

Thanks for listening and I hope everyone is doing well.

My mom is called Mee-Ma by the grandkids. It started when the children were young and could not say Grandma.
My kids call both of their grandmothers, "Nam". My oldest couldn't say Grandma, so he said Gnam, which eventually ended up being Nam and his little brothers just followed along.
Congratulations on your little boy!
No matter what she ends up wanting to be called her sweet little grandchild may think differently. And, she'll think its just wonderful (even if it wasn't her 1st choice!) because her grandbaby has spoken!
Hi Linda,

My son calls my mother Jammie because she called her grandmother that and really wanted to be called that. My mother-in-law wanted something that didn't sound too old so she asked to be called Grammie. Most of the time my son calls them the right name but since they are so close sounding sometimes they get all mixed up :)

I called my grandmothers Mommom and Grandmom. Then there's Grandma or Gram too! So many choices.

I can imagine how awkward it must seem to not know what to call her so hopefully you can give her lots of suggestions and she will like one! Good luck!

If she thinks Grandma is bad . . .

We called my grandmother "Gaggy"! (My oldest brother's twist on Grandmom -- it just stuck, through five more grandkids!). My other grandmother was Nana. My own mother prefers Mom-mom. We've also got several Ma-maws, Me-maws, and Mimis in our extended family.
Aaron has named one of his grandmas on his own... he started out saying "gam," but has recently begun calling her "Ging Ging." It's kind of funny :)

I think your MIL should chill out and let her grandbabies name her on their own.

Hi Linda! Well I think all of them have been said already. I have also heard of NANNIE instead of NANA. I come from a German background and therefore call my grandma OMA, but I'm sure that doesn't help you any. Good Luck with your decision :)!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-01 AT 04:47PM (Est)[/font][p]I felt the same way 5 years ago, but it was because I felt that I was WAY too young to be a grandmother. Obviously I wasn't too young, but it's hard to face the aging process sometimes. Bifocals and grandmothering all at once.

I am called "Bubbe," which is used in Eastern European countries. It's still "grandmother" but in a different language.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-01 AT 05:21PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks to everyone on thier advice and suggestions. I do have one question though... If left to come up with a name for her on his own doesn't he have to have somewhere to start? Like something he is trying to pronounce but just ends up coming out very differently?


Yes, Linda, sometimes that happens. My Mom used to call my daugher "Grandma's Darling", so when Julie was little she thought that my Mom's name was "Grandma Darling" and it stuck. To this day, even though my Mom is no longer here, my kids STILL call her Grandma Darling. I think it's fun when they come up with their own idea but I do see the predicament you're in not knowing what to call her NOW! Good Luck!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To it It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
For Grandma AND Grandpa, Linda

Hi Linda --

I definitely agree with the other posters that your baby will come up with a name for grandmother all on his own. But a little nudge while he's learning speech couldn't hurt, could it? :)

My children call my husband's mother "Grandma" (which she wanted) and they call my mother "Mimi." She chose this name for herself and spent most of my first pregnancy mulling this over :). She was a very young grandmother and didn't want anything grandmotherly. So she was a grandma on a mission and, believe me, she stood ENDLESSLY over Alex's crib smiling and saying "Mimi... I'm Mimi... Mimi loves you, precious boy, yes Mimi does!" And it worked. He called her Mimi, and so of course his little brother followed suit.

Her best friend had the same issues and chose "Nonnie," which is pretty cute.

The cutest name, though, IMHO, is a grandFATHER name that was selected by Nonnie's husband. His grandbabies call him "Grandman." Isn't that a stitch?

Kathy S.
I think your mother-inlaw is very lucky and blessed with her grand son.I haven,t seen my grandbaby since october and won,t get to see her till the middle of january.My sons ex and i mean ex is using this little girl to hurt us. I think it,s a shame how people use their kids to hurt the family. This is my first grand baby and i don,t care what she calls me if it,s grandma mee-ma. I just want her back in our life. i don,t mean to sound rude if so i,m sorry.
RE: For Grandma AND Grandpa, Linda

You are right "Grandman" is just too funny. What a great name!

I actually hope for my MIL sake that Justin does give her his own name, because thats what she's hoping for. I would just like to have something to call her in the mean time, if not Justin just may end up calling her Candi because yhat's what I call her!
Oh well, I guess we will see what happens in about a year or so!

It's okay, you don't sound rude. From talking with my own mother previously, if she were in your situation she would feel exactly the same way you do! I am really sorry you are going through this because I think family is really important, mine own as far as my grandparents went was pretty messed up! So I hope you get to see you beautiful grandbaby soon! Your son's ex should think more about her child and less about herself!

I have a cousin who doesn't want to be called Grandmom (or anything like it)either. All her grandkids call her "Darlin'". It's really cute. Robin.

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