HELP! Weights and tight upper body - Advise


Hi all,
I'm 35 about 5'10'' and 170 lbs. I exercise on a regular basis about 5-6 times a week. Try to fit in 2-3 wieght sessions and 3-4 cardio. My problem is that when I do upper body stuff, my muscles get really tight and I get tons of knots. I get massages on a regular basis 1-2 month, but even that doesn't help. The tension eventually turns into really bad headaches that last all day/night. When I stop lifting the weights, the symtoms go away. I don't overdo the amout of weights either, it's about what Cathe does on the tapes, a bit less even.

How can I keep lifting to gain that muscle without the pain?
I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on T.V. but I would suggest seeking out a good chiropractor. Perhaps your spine is out of alignment and when you lift weights you exasperate the problem.

Again, I am not a professional and not everyone believes in chiropractic care but that would be my first call.
I suggest adding 2-3 days of Pilates for about thirty minutes. Pilates helps to re-align your spine and develop core strength and muscle balance. I rarely get really sore or knotty anymore since I started adding that. I now teach Pilates and it really can do wonders to lengthen the muscle and stretch it out after a hard weighted workout! Do a private one on one session first before you go on your need to understand the proper form and alignment to get the benefits and everyone's body is different, so its priceless to have someone else see that and correct it for you before you do it on your own. :) Hope this helps!
Hi Anne,

Is it possible that you're tensing up your shoulder/trap/neck area when you lift? That would contribute to the tightness and headaches.

Along the same line as Reba's suggestion, I'd recommend adding a little yoga to help stretch out and ease tension.
I agree with Gayle. What muscle / muscle group is contracted (especially via weightlifting) should be stretched. Yoga, or one of Cathe's Stretch Max routines, or one of her cooldown stretch routines from upper-body oriented workouts like Pyramid Upper Body, the Gym Style upper body workouts, the Slow and Heavy upper body workouts, or her Pure Strength upper body workouts should do just fine.

Hi I wanted to give comments on what I had to do. When I started lifting weights on a continuos basic with Cathe. I had the same problems especially upper body due to the fact that I get tenditnitios that flares up alot. But when Cathe's hardcore series came out. I try to do one of her segments of stretch max (especially the one with the bands)after each up body work out day. I do not get anymore tightness or no more tendonitius flare ups. And I can even handle heavier weights for upperbody. Hope this helps.

Denise Burner:9
Hey everyone, thanks for the advise. I'll try the stretching. Unfortunately, that's always the one thing that just doesn't make it into the workout when I'm short on time. I do have her new stretch max, so I'll have to start using it on a daily basis.

I do add in Windsor Pilates, but probably not as often as I should.

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