Help! Problem with ears during/after workout


Recently I've been experiencing problems with my ears during and shortly after an intense workout. It's like I'm hearing under water. Anyone else ever experienced this? Please help if you have.
Thank you.
I don't have much in the way of an explanation to offer you, but I can say I experience the same thing. I thought it was just me! Mine is predominantly my left ear that is affected...the right seems to be okay. It'll be interesting to see if anyone has any ideas why this happens.
I also have this problem.I notice it after I work out.I think its because I sweat so much its going into my ear canal.Try shaking your head to the affected to release it.Works for me.
I too have this problem and also think it's sweat running into the ear canal. I just try to dry it out with a towel and shake my head a bit. Susan
I'll hazard a guess that what you're experiencing has something to do with fluids in your sinus area being displaced.
Funny this question came up because I just had that happen after class this morning (Interval Max). But it is not a new occurance for me. I find that this happens to me when I am working out exceptionally hard. After my workout I have this ear popping internal moisture type feeling that affects my hearing for about 15 minutes(sort of the way your ears "feel" after you have stepped out of a room where the music was blaring).

I have tried to get the answer to this question too. I asked an ENT once and got an answer that basically said it could be due to many variables (ie: working out in high altitude, working out with a cold, working out in air conditioning etc.). While I never got a direct answer I'm guessing that it has something to do with the sinus area too.

Sorry that I don't have an answer for you but wanted to let you know you are not alone.
The same thing happens to me too! I especially get it after a tough ab workout. It is strange but I have no explanation either. Sorry!
Thank you, Cathe and all who responded. This forum is the best. I feel so much better knowing I'm not alone and nothing is seriously wrong with me. To know it also happens to Cathe really makes me feel more at ease.

Thanks again for taking time to answer and for caring about other's concerns.

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