Hi Traci-lee -
I haven't been on here much these days but realized your question wasn't answered.
I finished the X in November and was going to start again on 1/1/07 but decided to start again today or tomorrow. It will be 5 weeks on a maintainence routine. I decided to stick with BB (TJ/MS) for the 5 weeks so can't compare my before and after weights with cathe. I did hear from mspina that she was able to increase her weights in cathe a lot after X. I don't think she posts much but you could always PM her.
The 2 are very different. P90x is all dumbells and body weight bearing excercises, less cardio, and yoga. For me this worked great. Interestingly enough it doesn't use dumbells for chest -it's all push ups. I went from 0 of the boys to 32!
Appearance wasn't really the main objective for me but I would say I definetly had great improvement that way. I'll post a link so you can see. The biggest improvement was lower body (like many women) my toughest area. I think body weight excerices helped a lot in giving a leaner look.
Pic at the top and a link to slideshow.
From the folks doing X (I know Shelley did awesome with out this) that I post with - those that followed the diet - got best results. I still have my coffee (but with skim milk now) and had to GREATLY increase my protein. For years my nails peeled off (really gross I know) and for the 1st time in 20 years not so - so it must be diet related.
Anyhow the boards are going to be crazy over at BB - with the million dollar rollout etc which is starting this week - but feel free to PM me. We've created a "home away from home". Dave set this up but the server is down today.
All the best!
Editted to say my son (18) is doing it too and getting great results.
You can chose to do 8-10 reps or 12-15. I did the 8-10 reps to build size. I'm planning on that again this round. My goal is to be a success story for BB as showing results are possible even when you aren't a young thing

plus I could really use the 10k with 2 kids in college next year !