HELP-new to step, which workouts?


I am attempting to do the CTX series, but could use some more practice on the step since I have never done it before. I was thinking of buying either the Cardio Hits DVD or Classics DVD. Which one has easier step combinations?
I would have to go with the Classics DVD. My first Cathe was StepMax and I caught on to this one pretty quickly. My favorites are on the Cardio Hits DVD but the step is a little more complicated. My vote would be to get both! :+

Good luck and let me know what you choose.
Thanks for your input. I think I am going to buy both because I am having a blast working out doing step (even if I am not very good yet). The time flies by and it keeps my mind occupied unlike the "hamster on a wheel" machines at the gym. This is a great way to make myself do more cardio (not my favorite).
I totally agree about the "hamster on a wheel" comment. Whenever I was on a machine, I would constantly look at the clock. Now, I rarely even glance at it. I honestly don't know how faithful I would be to working out if it wasn't for Cathe. :7
Hey Rebecca,
I do not own the Classics DVD but I like the Cardio Hits DVD. Since you own a DVD player, when learning the moves I figured out that if I hit (on my remote) pause and then the slow button, it put the DVD in ULTRA slow motion so that I could learn a tricky move. Maybe this will help? Sorry, I don't know much about the Classics as opposed to the Cardio Hits. I did not have too much trouble with the moves in Cardio Hits.
Good luck!
Thanks Angela, that is a good idea. I will have to play around with my DVD player and figure out how to do slow motion.


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