Help!!!!!!! My eating is out of control with PMS.


Hi everybody.

I am trying to eat as healthily as possible,as I dont believe in diets as they can make me become very obsessed with each pound that I take off and put back on, I would rather try to cut down on fat and sugar and make vegetables, fruits and fibre a lifetime of habit in my diet.
However every time I have PMT I crave every thing that is bad for me such as crisps, biscuits and really spicy greasy food, though I love eating fruits, vegetables, brown rice, pasta and baked potatoes.

Its just that around PMT time for the whole week I crave rubbish.
Does anyone else have this problem? or am I just a greedy pig, please tell me I am not alone.

Well, on any given day I crave sweets.But since my friends and I have been trying to cut back, the cravings have disappeared like I knew they would.
I have read before that when you crave things while on your period, you can eat some of it b/c your metabolism is higher and then you won't gain any weight.
I think that sometimes when we don't eat the foods we enjoy for a long time, it eventually catches up with us and then we would do anything to get some of it.What about if you had a meal of rubbish before your period started? I wonder would that keep the cravings away b/c you got your fill of it already? I know that alot of people have cravings while PMSing.Fortunatly,I am not to bad. I don't think I helped much but I
Take Care,
Hi Hotchick,

You need to check out the PMS Bible by Dr Katharina Dalton (ask at your local library) - she goes into all the research she has done about PMS, and there is a section on diet. I am the same at the TOTM, I spend two days before it is due eating like there is nooooo tomorrow, and the first day of TTOTM, and then I am OK. I think you eat all the junk, because the body needs the extra calories to help it through your period. Best thing to do, is keep all the junk out of the house, and then you are not tempted. Everytime you crave a bag of crisps or chocolate, try eating extra fruit in its place. Maybe after a couple of months of doing this you won't get those bad cravings.
Dr Katharina Dalton recommends also that you eat every 2-3 hours, a light snack to keep your energy/blood sugar levels up, which would probably help with trying to avoid high sugar hits !
Aren't our bodies weird ?

Anna :)
I can soooo relate to you hotchick on this topic. My hormones are way out of control when its that time of the month. I always know its time because I'll be doing something or other and out of the blue I'm hit with this insane chocolate craving. Even my b/f knows when my period is about to show up because I'll come home with a box of Entenmann's chocolate fudge cake, or I'll end up eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream covered with chocolate sauce. Its that bad of a craving, and the worse part is half the time I don't even realize that I've eaten it until I'm half way thru whatever it is that I've pigged out on. But for the most part once I've satisfied the craving and my period is over I never touch the stuff again. Or at least not until the next month rolls around. Its a vicious cycle we women have to fight with each month.


I have this problem also you are not alone nor are you a greedy pig we just need to recognise the triggers and do something about them.

My problem is I like to eat a lot of my mothers very rich food at the time of the month but I am finding I have that I am eating less of it.

I try to drink more and drink water (it really helps). It will help try not to go out food shopping during this time its a killer. Also remind yourself of you goals don't get down on yourself when you do give into cravings.

I also find working out is good. I am fortune that I don't really like cakes, icecreams and must junk food. Sorry not much help there but drinking lots afterwards does help with bloating and cravings.

Oh yessss! I too have this problem. I just fought with it a couple weeks ago! I tend to crave salty carbs most of the time. Now I have noticed that since I've really cleaned up my eating I'm not craving those as much. I'm snacking on fruits and vegies instead of the pretzels and crackers. It has been a struggle with mind over matter! I also noticed that if I have a healthy snack before the hunger sneaks in I am able to squash that "bug" that gets me!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-02 AT 05:39PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-02 AT 05:38 PM (Est)[/font]

Thank you everyone for reassuring me that I am not alone.
I promise not to feel so guilty in future if I slip up because of the dreaded PMT.
Also I will take the advice of trying to reach for more fruits when I get cravings, and thanks for the info on the book by Katharina Dalton (PMS bible) I will check that out also.
Lastly I will let you all know if these suggestions help, say in a month or so.

That does'nt mean we cant discuss other topics right?.

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