Help!!!! my aching knees



It's me again, there's one thing I forgot to ask earlier. I have
problem with my knees, I don't know if it's the lunges, squats or
my 14 inch step that are causing my knees to hurt. Do anyone know
which of the three that is not so hard on my old knees? Any help
will be much appreicated.

Thanks again,
I would make an educated guess and say the 14 in. step followed closely by the squats, with lunges running a close 3rd. You can lower a step, you can not squat as far and I don't know how to modify a lunge. I usually just do one set and stop. My knees snap, crackle and pop every morning when I do Power Hour during the squats. I just don't squat so deeply and keep a wide stance.:) I don't know if I helped you or not. Sorry probably not such an educated guess after all:(
I also have bad knees. I use an ACE elastic wrap on both and that prevents pain while I'm working out. Sometimes I get an uncomfortable "twinge" and I know not to continue that particular movement the way I'm doing it, and check my form. I do lunges more slowly and carefully and if I don't do as many, I don't mind, as long as I'm not injuring anything. I've slowed down and reduced the 14 inch step to 12 inches too. I modify anything that hurts. I don't want to risk being out of the game altoghether while something heals! If you discover a cure, let me know.
I find when my knees ache, lowering my step ups to 12 or even 10 inches for a week or two usually gets rid of the pain. Also, on your lunges, pay REALLY close attention to form. If I get tired I tend to be sloppy on my form. But I would vote the 14 inch step ups are probably to top contributer.

Isn't it frustrating when your head wants to work out hard but your boyd is saying slow down, aggg, thats the worst.
I have bad knees and have the most trouble with lunges. Instead of lunges, I usually do step ups on a footstool or a bench - it's the knee that's extended back that I have trouble with. I'd agree that it's a good idea to try lowering your step. good luck!
Any of the three exercises you mention could be a culprit (though are you sure it's the weight work or could it be cardio? I find that the speed and torque of Cathe's step tapes wreck havoc on my knees!).

Here are some things that may help:
For squats, try a stance with feet about shoulder-width apart and toes pointed out a bit (it may take some experimenting to see what stance works best for you). Make sure thay your knees goes in the direction of your middle toes, and keep your knees from going forward over the foot (think "back and down" instead of "forward").

For lunges, avoid front lunges (in that version, it's too easy to put forward pressure on the front knee) and instead do static lunges (try them with the front foot on a 4-8 inch platform, which will allow you to go deep into the glutes without going forward into the front knee), or rear lunges.

For step-ups, work up to 14" (or whatever height you can do without knee problems) by starting with 10", then moving up to 12" and (maybe, it's not necessary, though) 14". You can keep the stress off the knee and onto the glutes by "dipping down" into a mini squat at the bottom portion of the move, and liftiing the toe that's on the step just before pushing up. This keys you into pushing through the heel of the foot that's on the step rather than toward the front of the foot. Make sure you are back enough from the step so that your knee doesn't go forward as you step up.
Your lunge modification sounds very safe. Why didn't I think of that? I'm going to try it this afternoon. Thanks!!!
I know for me, squats are a definite no-no. I had a problem in my right knee (plica band) a few years ago and ended up having to have arthroscopic surgery. :-( One thing the dr. told me NEVER to do was squats. I don't know why, but they are the one thing that always bothers my knee. Every few months I'd think, ok, I feel good, I'm going to try them again. Without fail, my knee would be really sore for several days after. I just don't do them anymore.

That being said, I think any one of the things you mentioned could be the culprit. As usual, you've gotten some good suggestions here (this forum is great!). Experiment with different things. I think lowering the step height is definitely a good idea. 14" is high, especially if you're not that tall. The highest I ever go is 12", and I still feel like the muscles get worked really well. There was a good suggestion on the lunges, too. I think static lunges seem to be the least dangerous. I can do those, but I stay away from the low-ends. They definitely bother my knee. Try modifying each move a bit. If you're still feeling sore, try eliminating each one, but one at a time. Once you start feeling better, you'll know which one was to blame.

If you do find there is one move that you just can't do without discomfort, you can always find modifications. Since I can't do squats, I do leg lifts, which really work the quads well and actually make my knees feel better--very strong. I don't have a leg lift machine; I just sit in a chair with ankle weights on and do them that way.

Good luck!


I also suffer from knee pain (right knee)and it has gotten better. I just recently re-introduced lunges and leg presses to my workouts. I had the usual MRI's, visits with ortho doctors, etc. I had no physical damage, but the muscles surrounding my knee were totally overworked. I also introduced squats supported by a stability ball. I place the ball in the "curved" area of my lower back - I lean against the ball that is supported by the wall and then I proceed to do my squats - 3 sets of 12. So far so good. This exercise was given to me by my physical therapist (was being treated for lower back, which is all 100% better!!). BTW it is imperative that the body is propertly stretched. I now incorporate a very long stretch (15-25 minutes)before my warmup and then again after my cool down. This has helped me tremendously. Hope this helps you too.

Take care,


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