Help me with workout schedule


Active Member
I have Cathe's 5 new DVD's and Muscle Max. I have approx 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening to work out. For maximum fat burn what would be good cardio/weight combo and schedule with these DVD's? I don't have time to do a whole DVD at once and I have been trying to figure out chapters to grab from each one to make sure I get my cardio in once a day and work each muscle group every other day but I am getting confused. I also am new to Cathe's step workouts and have actually tripped off of the step onto the hard basement floor a few times trying to watch the TV and learn a step. That makes me a little wary of the cardio step along with the fact that it makes too much noise in the morning while everyone is sleeping. I would like quieter workouts into the morning like leg conditioning and Butts and Guts (my favorite!). I can save the noisy ones for evening. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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