Help me with my breakfast eating rut


All I eat lately is Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal or some other high protein cereal with skim milk. I'm not a morning person so don't like to spend a lot of time cooking. What are some of your favorite, quick breakfasts? Nutritious, of course!;)


Someone on the peanut butter thread suggested a banana with peanut butter on it and then rolled in cereal (still the Kashi, but that stuff is so good!!). You could put almost anything on the peanut butter though...nuts, oatmeal, etc. I am going to try it when I get to the grocery store!!

I am at the other end. I just discovered Kashi Go Lean Crunch. I could eat a bowl for every meal!
I do a protein smoothie in the morning. Very quick. Tasty. Nutritious.

I vary the ingredients a bit from day to day, but basically, I use:

Juice (pomagranate, mango) or soymilk or soy yogurt.

Frozen fruits (strawberries and/or raspberries and/or blueberries).

Scoop of Vegan Complete meal replacement powder (25 gm. pea/rice protein, vitamins, minerals, flax, etc., etc.) and/or Vega meal replacement powder (24 gm of hemp/pea protein) or Super Red Pro-96 soy protein powder (24 gm. protein).

Flax powder (if not using Vega, which contains a lot) OR Mega flax joint (flax powder + vegan glucosamine + other joint nutrients).

If not using Mega flax joint: scoop of vegan glucosamine powder OR two "Joint Supreme" capsules (vegan glucosamine, MSM, hyaluronic acid) opened.

Calcium powder.

A bit of Stevia plus (stevia in a fiber base) if I think the mix isn't sweet enough.

A bit of water if it looks like it will be too thick (or if it is thick, I eat it with a spoon, like melty ice cream).

I blend it all up in my Magic Bullet. Rinse off the blade. Drink (or eat!) up, then wash out the blender cup.

You'll notice I don't use ice, like some people do. I don't like it that cold (sensitive teeth and many crowns), and the frozen fruits make it cool enough for me.
Charlotte just posted her recipe for protein pancakes. Looks good.

I prepare some tuna salad using very little mayonnaise and ranch dressing (both fat-free and to taste, and just enough to moisten the albacore since it's so dry), and put in some chopped celery and sweet onions. I store it in a tupperware in the fridge so all I have to do in the morning is toast some whole wheat bread.

I also cook 4-6 egg whites on a non-stick pan and mix in half a cup of cottage cheese just before the egg whites are thoroughly cooked. You can mix in your favorite cheeses as well.:)

How about one whole egg and 1-2 egg whites cooked in a non-stick skillet (yolk broke). Then melt a slice of 2% cheese on it and put it on a 100% whole wheat english muffin.
Ooh, great ideas. And yes, earlyexerciser, Kashi Go Lean is great stuff! I'll have to try the pancakes as well-I bet my kids would eat them. I give them sweets so infrequently that they think prunes and raisins are a sweet treat, lol!

Thanks again guys!!

I usually have a protein shake with a banana if I did a strength workout before or (if cardio) I have either granola cereal (My favorite!:9 ) or plain instant oatmeal with a banana (and occasionally some Splenda mixed in if I need more flavor.) My other option is 1% cottage cheese with canned pineapple with natural juices.
My all time favorite is oatmeal and cottage cheese. Oatmeal takes less than 3 minutes to make in total (from getting it out of pantry to sitting at table - seriously!)
I make a frittata and eat it all week long. I use egg beaters, but put green beans (the frozen kind is easiest) and fresh basil inside. Top the whole thing with a little bit of parmesan and it's pretty tasty! Bonus, you've already had your first vegetable serving!!
Morningstar Farms veggie sausage patty (nuked and crumbled), scrambled egg whites (if you have time), slice of fat free American cheese, whole wheat tortilla, salsa. Assemble, eat, digest.

Lunacat :)

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