Help me shake up my routine

Are walking on hills an option for you? On a flat surface, I can't get my heart rate up by walking, but we live down a pretty long, steep hill and I get a great workout just by walking up and down it for about 45 min. I don't do this often it's a great change if it's nice outside.
Hi Shannon

I'm just finishing up my first ever Cathe's rotation (August, '07--got a late start and I take extra rest days--tee hee), but I'm loving it! It's really making a difference in my legs, butt and overall leanness (sp?). Next I'm going to try FitnessFreak's one body part per day rotation. I can't do high impact stuff either so I substitute walking or kickboxing. If you haven't checked out the rotations for Cathe and FitnessFreak, you might give those a try.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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