HELP ME Pick a New Kickboxing Workout...


I have some knee issues so kickboxing seems to be about the only cardio I can do regularly. I have all of Cathe's kickboxing workouts. I have the Powerstrikes, a few Tae Bo though tae bo I'm not thrilled about. I had Aaron Lankford's workout but traded it b/c the form was too awful. I'm more interested in nice drills and non-dancey combo's with not a huge amount of impact or impact that can be modified. I have Hardcore Kickbox Circuit and Kickbox Underground with Guillermo Gomez but find the latter a tad too easy, though I like his style. I've narrowed down my choices to these...any comments??

CIA 9890 Kickbox Express with Janis Saffell

Bodybar Kickbox Circuit

CIA 9907 Kick It with Janis Saffell

Thanks for your opinions/suggestions!
Netflix has some DVDs you can check out before buying one. I've been able to avoid some truly awful "workouts" by previewing from Netflix.
I had the 9907 Kick It workout a long time ago. I can't remember much about it. I was only able to do it once or twice because it takes up a LOT of workout area.I even moved the chairs around in my living room and still did not have enough room to do it. Not much help was I... ;-) . I do remember a lot of kicks and "spin" kicks.
It looks like you already have the cream of the crop with your Cathe's and Powerstrikes. You may want to look into Janis Saffell's Kickbox Strike Zone. The first section is drills and easy-to-follow combos. The second section is partner paddle drills that can be done without a partner (or paddle) as shown by a couple of the cast. It actually works out better that way because you end up doing the drills twice. The final section is non-weighted lower body toning. It's all low-impact.

Of the ones you've mentioned, I've only had Kick-It and ended up selling it. It was very long and too dancy.

Also, if you have a Ross nearby, see if you can get the Caribbean Workout Aerobic/Kickboxing set of DVDs. The kickboxing DVD has 4 20-minute workouts. Two are done with a step, two without. A bargain at $6.99 - plus the aerobic workout DVD comes with it (2 low impact floor workouts, 2 hi/lo). Filmed in the Bahamas, decent music, likable instructor. You can forgive it's flaws being so cheap. (Could have better cueing, can't bypass intro of consecutive workouts)

Let us know what you decide. I'm hoping the upcoming Turbo Jam might be worthwhile.


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