Help me get back on track!


:( This week has been awful for trying to fit in my workouts! First off, I had the closing on my new home Tuesday and I was so stressed out because of the lack of organization on my bank's lawyer's end, very unprofessional. Then, Wednesday my daughter starting small fry football cheerleading and has had practice every night this week. Needless to say, the only night I have worked out has been Monday. I am not a morning person, and by the time I get home from practice it has been 8 o'clock and I go to bed at 9 o'clock. I feel soo guilty missing my workouts, but tonight my DH will take Lacey to practice. Then, tomorrow we will be moving, so I am sure I will miss my workout once again, but I suppose I will get plenty of exercise just from moving. Arghh! ;)
Hi Lisa,
You may not be a morning person, but sometimes you have to exercise when you can, and if that happens to be in the morning, then thats when it is :9 .... thats why I like to split mine up, and do an hour or so in the morning and an hour maybe at night, helps keep my matabolizm going all the time. .... best wishes with your new home..... God bless , Rhonda :7
Hang in there Lisa! Trust me, taking a break from what you usually do will be a GOOD thing! I did Cathe's "Vacation Workout" while on vacation the last week and although it might not compare to what I usually do, I was sooo sore. Now, that I am back to my normal strength routine (did ME two days ago~OUCH!!!) I am sooo sore AGAIN! You will probably find that moving and lifting boxes, climbing up & down stairs, bending and so forth will give you plenty of workout. Just think, the new vids are just around the corner and you will be back on track in no time. Don't feel guilty. Good Luck with the move.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Vacation Workout

This is Cathe's post about a Vacation Workout:

Hi Na-Young Anderson! 25 minutes a morning is all you need to maintain enough so that when you come back you will not feel out of the loop. Bring one set of moderate pound dumbbells (5 or 8 pounds)Here is a sample two week vacation workout:

a) Warm Up:5 minute brisk walk
b) Legs: Leg Blast:
30 seconds non-weighted squats
30 seconds plyo jacks
30 seconds squats/ with dumbbells in hands
30 seconds front kicks (no dumbells)
30 seconds side kicks (no dumbbells)

Forward lunges (with dumbbells)....3 sets 15 reps (Rt leg 15 / Left leg 15 then do the next set).

Back lunges (with dumbbells).....Same reps/sets as forward lunges.

c) Torso/Arms
Chest: 3 sets of 10 push ups...On last rep of last set hold push up 1/2 way down for 20 seconds.

Back: One arm dumbbell rows (put both weights in one hand) do 3 sets of 15 reps per arm.

Biceps: Concentration curls (put both weights in one arm)do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Triceps: ALTERNATE one set of dips (15 reps) with one set of double arm kickbacks (do as many as you can with that weight and good form). Do three alternating sets.

Shoulders: Seated bent arm side lateral raises (10 reps) right into rear delt flys (as many as you can with that weight and good form). Do three alternating sets.

Abs: traditional crunches for 3 minutes and then flip over and hold a one minute plankStretch

Tues/Thursday/SaturdayA 25 minute walk/run (this includes 5 minute brisk walk warm up and three minute stretch)

Bon Voyage

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
NO TV Needed!

25 minutes a morning is all you need to maintain enough so that when you come back you will not feel out of the loop. Bring one set of moderate pound dumbbells (5 or 8 pounds)Here is a sample two week vacation workout:


a) Warm Up:
5 minute brisk walk

b) Legs:
Leg Blast:
30 seconds non-weighted squats
30 seconds plyo jacks
30 seconds squats/ with dumbbells in hands
30 seconds front kicks (no dumbells)
30 seconds side kicks (no dumbbells)

Forward lunges (with dumbbells)....3 sets 15 reps (Rt leg 15 / Left leg 15 then do the next set).

Back lunges (with dumbbells).....Same reps/sets as forward lunges.

c) Torso/Arms
Chest: 3 sets of 10 push ups...On last rep of last set hold push up 1/2 way down for 20 seconds.

Back: One arm dumbbell rows (put both weights in one hand) do 3 sets of 15 reps per arm.

Biceps: Concentration curls (put both weights in one arm)do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Triceps: ALTERNATE one set of dips (15 reps) with one set of double arm kickbacks (do as many as you can with that weight and good form). Do three alternating sets.

Shoulders: Seated bent arm side lateral raises (10 reps) right into rear delt flys (as many as you can with that weight and good form). Do three alternating sets.

Abs: traditional crunches for 3 minutes and then flip over and hold a one minute plank



A 25 minute walk/run (this includes 5 minute brisk walk warm up and three minute stretch)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
:D Hi Deb! Glad to see you are back! Did you have a nice trip? Thanks for the words of encouragement. I feel guilty not going to my daughter's practices, and my DH doesn't help out much in that respect. Last night he said, "you have to go to practice because there is a parent's meeting and I can not hear that well". I think sometimes he thinks my workouts come before everything (which typically they do) Most parents leave their children until practice is over anyway, but I do not feel comfortable leaving a 7-year-old. Hubby has agreed to take her tonight so I can get in a workout. I think I will do CTX step & intervals. Thanks for the encouragement all! It gets discouraging when I get out of the norm! :D
RE: Ooops!

Haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa!!!!!! :* :D :p

Debbie, you ARE a riot!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon

Yep, 50 last year! A HALF A CENTURY! Yikes! I will be 51 in Nov. Thank you for the nice compliment. Pix don't show the crowsfeet you see upclose! :p

You are very welcome. I know how you feel. When we don't get our daily dose of those feel good endorphines, we notice it. Seriously though, take adavantage of a break from your norm and I bet you will be sooo energized to get back to your tapes. (& the NEW ones around the bend!)

We had a wonderful time. It was nice to get away with my hubby alone for a change. Usually vacations consist of visits to see both of my sisters which is great for me but not as much FUN for him. This vacation was absolutely just what we both needed. Was able to fit in a few get-togethers with some very special friends too.

I can relate on being there for your daughter too. I had two kids go thru many sports and we never missed their practices. I am sooo glad now that I think back to it all. These are times you will never be able to replace. (my kids are 25 & 30 now) Some of my best memories are watching them and also meeting some very special friends sitting with us. (We are still friends today!) Trust me, it goes so, so fast! Maybe hubby can give you a break once or twice during the week. (We DO NEED our exercise too!)

Again, Good Luck with the move and check in with us when you find time. Thinking of you!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Deb!

:D Did you take pictures of your vacation to share with us? I saw on another post you met a forum member. I am hoping that someday maybe a bunch of us forum members can have a get-together and maybe take a "Cathe" class. I had soo much fun in July with my visit with Cathe, I can't wait to do it again! I am 38 and would you believe I have a 19 and 17 year-old along with my 7-year-old daughter? You missed a bunch of controversy with the troll scandal on the forums. Did you hear about that? Keep in touch!:D
Consider working out at your daughter's practice. The "vacation" workout is one idea. Walk/run intervals or just power walk around the perimeter of the field or gym for cardio days. Maybe you can work at a schedule w/ your husband so that you can count on some days for tougher workouts. Please don't feel guilty about scheduling some time for yourself.

I just moved and it's been a challenge to get back on track. Luckily I have 2 dogs that need their exercise (a tired dog is a good dog) so I get up at dawn to exercise them. Sometimes it's a short power walk, sometimes a nice trail run, but it's something.

The moving, cleaning, packing & unpacking are physical as well as mentally exhausting so give yourself credit for all you are doing.

Yes Lisa!

We took some pix. I am going to try to post some today @ the CatheAddicts site. I met AndreaL (from here) for the first time. We hit it right off...even the hubbies enjoyed themselves! I, too, cannot wait for a Cathe trip. Hopefully, soon! I was leaving right when the "troll" stuff started. I was sick to my stomach about it and very upset that Cathe had to deal with that at such a time that was supposed to be a FUN & EXCITING time for us all. It's probably just as well I was leaving because my poor hubby had to listen to me the whole way there talking about it! (Just the lil' bit I read!) Well, just finished practicing my session that starts Monday and off to do ME! I am still sore from doing it Tuesday! Whew!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Yes Lisa!

Hey Lisa,

I also had to change my workout times (I used to exercise in the pm), because my work schedule changed. Now it's am and late afternoon. I got a job as a Personal Trainer in the pm's:) so I had to change.

I believe it also helps to "shake things up" for your metabolizm. A few extra rest days won't hurt any.

These are good things happening in your life. Enjoy your new home:)

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