Help! Major Burn Out!!


I am suffering from major burn out and I don't know how to snap out of it. I have gained 20lbs since last december and now the past month or so I cant even get myself to work out. I might go for a bike ride or do a very short weight segment but nothing to strenous, I have lost so mmuch strength and cant even do push ups anymore, not to mention none of my clothes fit. I know to eat clean and on top of all this I hurt my calf really bad that even walking 30 minutes it starts to tighten up II cant even get myself to leave my house and go out with my friends. How can I snap myself back into action???
Why do you think you are having these issues? Are they physical, emotional, both? How you handle these issues would depend on why you have them in the first place.
I'm so sorry you are feeling bad...I'm not an expert but this sounds like depression or something similar, not exercise burn out. What triggered you to eat more, gain 20 lbs and stop exercising (besides the calf injury)? If you won't even go out with your friends there's something a lot deeper going on. Do you have someone to talk to, a counselor you could go to? We all need help from time to time, don't be afraid to reach out and get some help.
I have gone to my doctor's and they are trying to help me but as of yet nothin. I am so confused because I don't know why I feel this way. There are no major changes in my life, I just don't feel like myself anymore. I do think it's in my head i just need it to stop. Thank You for being so kind to respond I am going to do weights today and nurse my leg hopefully by the time it cools down here in Florida I will be ready to run.
It may not be in your head. Did the doctor's check your hormone levels? Low sex hormones such as Estradiol and Testosterone can cause this feeling of 'not being onself'. They can also zap you of your energy and a host of other symptoms. So can high cortisol (this usually happens after a very stressful season) or low T3 even when your TSh and T4 are normal. So can allergies and as I've been told recently so can being low on Vitamin D, which is more prevalent if you tan easily.

Do you feel tired or just low on umph? For me, the difference is, when I'm tired, I'm tired even if I'm just sitting on the couch whereas no umph means I can't workout with energy, or have the drive to clean house with gusto as I use to but just going to work, sitting at my desk or taking a stroll around the park is fine and enjoyable. Do you feel apathy towards life in general or just not goal driven?

Do you have any other symptoms? Are you eating good? Is there reason for your weight gain? An increased appetite? an out of control appetite? no appetite?

I ask all these questions because I'm suffering the same thing. I'm also going to a doctor and trying to figure this out. So far she has found that my T3 is low while my TSH & T4 is normal and my D3 is low. My sex hormones are fine because I'm taking supplements. She just recently put me on 1000 mg of Vitamin D and cytomel for my T3. So far, no improvement. I went to workout this morning and didn't even make it through the warm-up, yet I went out and spent the day shopping and felt fine.

I'm still looking for a solution, If I find one, I'll post it. :)
I have had blood work done which came back fine. I would say I have no ummph more than I am tired. I have no desire to do anything but sit around and eat even when I'm not hungry. My doctor did put me on pristiq but I think i'm going to take myself off. I have no reason to be depressed which I don't think I am my head just does'nt feel right. I would love to hear of any solutions you come up with. Thank You in advance.

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