Help I'm Burned out!!!

Help!! I need some advice. I've been working out about 4 years now. Doing mostly cardio. Started out doing 6 times a week. Lost alot of weight and got to the point that I was too small for my taste. Cut back to 4 to 5 times a week. I also did some upper body weights with every workout. Now I'm kinda of burned out on working out. I've slowed down to 3 times a week now. I havent gained any weight but I'm getting back on track. After all the working out I still have fat on my thighs and above my knees. Why is that after all these years of working out? I'm 5'7 and weight about 121 to 124. I know thats a good weight for my height but I just cant stand the fat on hips and top of my knees what should I do? All I do is step cardo so my hips and knees should be fat free. I dont know what to do. I need advice please.
Not Cathe here, but would like to try to help.

Congratulations on losing all that weight. Good for you. It isn't easy, I know.

I think you need a week off, with very clean eating, and maybe a 30 min. walk during those days. You've been working way too much IMO.

Then depending on your body type, pick a rotation from the rotation forum and continue on. Remember to eat clean, that is so very important. There is no such thing as spot reduction. I believe in overall body fitness, not just upper body. Get in there and also do your lower body.

I hope this has helped you a little bit,


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I would try a different type of cardio and also follow Janices advice. Maybe give Kickboxing a try. Try KPC that's a good one, lots of fun! But be sure to take a look at Cathe's form pointers before you try it out, or you could injure yourself. Also, walking and running are good as well. Be sure to encorporate some weights with all this. As you put on muscle you'll find yourself looking leaner than when you where doing mainly cardio, because the muscle will replace the fat and it's much more dense. So you could weigh the same, or even a few pounds more, but look leaner.

Why beat yourself up unnecessarily. If the body feels tired take it easy. After years of struggling with weight I now am fitness. Some days I have a good burnout with Cathe, the next I don't want to look at Cathe. I am 175lbs. i have to modify the power jumps by going up onto the ball of my foot. I can't do push ups from my feet but hey I can push out from my knees. Don't be a slave to the video. Challenges are little and the rewards great. Bet Cathe has days she wants to be a slob. Are you insecure with yourself that you feel you have to push yourself relentlessly. ask the question as I have been there and got the tee-shirt.

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