Help! I need your advice!

Hello! This is my first post. I'll try to make this as short as possible. I am 34, 5'9 and 135 lbs. I have finally gotten to my goal weight after gaining alot of weight with my 3rd child (now 3). I recently discovered your workouts (am sooo glad I did!) I have purchased KPC/L&G, BC/ME & HST and love them all. My problem is that I have a very hard time gaining and maintaining muscletone in my lower body. I cannot seem to get rid of that layer of fat on my legs either. My question is what rotation should I use with these DVD's and should I be incorporating more heavy lifting for my legs or lighter weight more reps? How many days of cardio? I currently use your dvd's 4-5 days per week. I don't want to go through another summer hiding my legs! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, To lose weight your main focus should be on cardio, focusing on keeping your heart rate under 50% Max to burn the fat. Bike riding is a great exercise because it keeps your heart rate at a lower pace and is great at toning the leg muscles. I would try to do at least 5 days of cardio with 2 of the days at 90 mins of cardio, the other days i would try to do at least 30 mins but longer is better at the fat burning heart rate. Even once a week try for a interval cardio workout to blast your metabolism. For weights i would try to do a total body tone twice per week focusing on muscle growth which is achieved by using a moderate weight and completing reps/sets until fatigue and then making sure you give at least 48 hours before working the muscle agian with weights to let the muscle fibers have a chance to repair themselves. Hope this is helpful and good luck in achieveing your goals:) If you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask. Have fun! Michelle
Hello! You should consider posting on the "Open Forum". There are tons of knowledgable people there who will offer you advice.

My advice is this:
Everybody's body is different. Some people get better results from lifting heavy and doing less reps (to build muscle). Some people then get better results from endurance work (more reps less weight). And finally, some people, like myself, get good results from doing both. I would give all of them a try. Cathe posts lots of rotations with specific goals. Try some of them and measure your results. See which method works for you.

As far as cardio goes, if you need to lose fat, your ultimate goal should be to burn lots of calories. There are many ways to do that. You can work out harder and burn calories more quickly, or you can work out less intensly and do it over a longer period of time. I would suggest doing both so your body doesn't get used to one form of cardio. The idea here is to cross train. That is, do a variety of exercises so that you don't get an over-use injury and to constantly keep your body guessing.

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