help for saddlebags


Active Member
Can anyone help me with what would be the best Cathe's tapes for reducing saddlebags? I have been walking /jogging and doing firm tapes for many years, but these saddlebags won't budge---- not to mention that gravity and age are also taking effect!!! I just started working out with Cathe's tapes for only three weeks, but I really like Cathe's style -she truly motivates me to give it my best( So far I only have KPC which I really like as well as MIS and Power Hour)I pre-ordered the new Kickmax because I really enjoy the KPC tape, I am not too fond of step, but any input for help with getting rid of these saddlebags would help.
Hi Barb, and welcome to Cathe. I would recommend 4 to 6 days of cardio and Legs & Glutes 2 or 3 times per week. Cathe has numerous lower body wt tapes, but Legs & Glutes is one of her most versatile lower body workouts. It consists of standing leg work, floor work, some exercises with wts and some without.

Good Luck,

It is not easy to fight again that. IF you always have saddlebags is very dificult to lose it completely.For slim down I recommend two or 3 times of weight workout per week and 4 to 6 days of cardio. The post of Diana is a good counsel.You have leg and glutes, Pyramid lower body and learner legs as specific workouts. You have to be very carefully with your eating too. It is very important because the eating is the half of the battle .Leave the junkie food,if you eat it, fat, sugar and reduce pasta , potatoes,bread in your diet.Hope this help.
Saddle bags are pretty much hereditary, IMO. You can decrease them by leg work (and kickboxing could help also), but even fitness instructors (Mindy Mylrea, Leslie Sansone) have them.
Saddlebags are fat storage areas and they are heridary with respect to your body's favored places to store fat. Since they are fat, the best way to lose them is clean eating and cardio, cardio, cardio. Leg/Glute strengthening exercises will help with building strength and developing muscle but on their own won't due much to get rid of those bags. This is one of my body's fav laces to store fat. My weight goes there first and comes off from there last. Good luck!
Your thighs are a huge cache of energy. Your body is full of potential energy. Just one pound of fat contains enough energy for you to run 38 miles or walk more than 55 miles - without stopping to eat anything! You need to find a way for your body to block burning sugar so that it will prefer fat. The "Access Fat Conversion Bar" was recommended to me by a friend. It is designed to
1)enhance fat meabolism, 2)Minimize muscle fatigue and lactic acid buildup, 3)Increases muscle fiber recruitment, 4) Maximizes endurance by enhancing fat-store utilization. Only 8g of sugar. So its not like having a candybar. High performance athletes prefer it over anything else. I prefer it b/c it made every workout do get the job done.

~Reece Out~
Barb, I've had saddlebags all my life. I've been stepping for more than 10 years, and they're still there. They just get smaller when I do more cardio and eat clean for months on end, which is real hard to do. Kickboxing has helped me more than stepping, cardio-wise. I haven't seen much difference in my saddlebags from putting in more lower body workouts per week -- they merely killed my knees -- although I did see progress in my quads and hamstrings. Keeping away from the processed carbs and sugar works better, although I have to do this for months and months to see results.

Just chiming in here with the chorus of gals who deal with the hereditary saddlebag problem. I happened to inherit them from my grandmother; I've had them since puberty. Even at my lowest weight of 102-108, I still had them; they were just smaller. I agree with those who say that cardio helped the saddlebag issue -- mine were smallest when I was a cardio junkie. Since I added more weight work to my fitness routine, it has NOT helped the problem at all -- in fact, it made them worse. As someone already mentioned, weight work for legs was simply killing my knees (already have bum knees anyway) and making my saddlebags bigger, so I think I'll be sticking with weights for upper body, and exercises like Callanteics, TBM, and LB for toning the legs while adding more cardio to my week.
I too have the curse of saddlebags. Even as an underweight anorexic triathlete, there they were, following me around over hill and dale.

I have come to accept what is left of them, maybe 2 pounds of ugly dimpled soft fat on each side. My upper body and abs are great, my legs are strong and slender except for the aforementioned abominations. Oh well.

What works for me to keep them as small as they are ever going to get is 4 cardios a week (2 intervals) and working each muscle, including legs, twice a week. I dont care if my legs get bigger from weight work. I like the strength. It doesn't make the blubber bigger, just the thigh circumference, but I'd rather be strong than conform to some imaginary idea of the Perfect Thigh. Besides, genetically, the perfect thigh ain't happenin'

Have I mentioned my abs lately? :+
I suffer with this problem as well. In all honesty it seems the older I get the more dimples I see. I'm about 5'3 and weigh 150....use to squat 225.... refuse to go that heavy anymore since I've been seeing a chiro 3 x's a week. My dh is constantly telling me that lunges & squats are the only way to get rid of the dimples. I'm not doubting him, but I'm afraid of my back going out on me again. I love working out to Cathe's videos/dvd's (finally got a dvd player, now I can order more). But my dh sounds like he's going back to speaking negative of women instructors. He says he doesn't think her workouts are enough for me which is why my cottage cheese is not going anywhere. AAAAGGGHHHH.... I think they're not going anywhere fast because of my eating habits. I deseparately want to eat right but I have a major problem in doing so because every diet I try always tell you to eat things like, cauliflower, beets, cottage cheese, oatmeal and I just can't stomach those foods. My problem is, I LOVE BREAD & CHEESE. Can someone please help with a diet because I am beginning to feel so unattractive to my dh and myself as well. My dh says he loves me just the same, but.....;
Thank you all for your advice and replies-- it is good to know I am not the only one with this problem. What really bothers me is trying to find clothes that fit properly when your waist is 1 -2 sizes smaller than your hips!! Anybody else have that problem???? Forget about ordering clothes without tyring them on, as you never know if they will fit!!Anyway, enough of my gripes, I will just keep on exercising and try to make the best of it. I noticed that kickboxing seems to help more than any other cardio, so I plan to concentrate on this type of workout along with strength workouts for the legs. Thanks again for all your help
This may not be a very popular answer, but if you are working out and eating right, you may be a candidate for liposuction. This is probably an unpopular answer and I understand if I take a beating for it. But the reality of it is, you want to look as good as you feel...
I almost mentioned lipo as an alternative, b/c I know that's an option for some people. For myself, however, going under the knife for cosmetic reasons isn't an option; I don't LIKE my legs (or my chest, for that matter! lol!!), but I'm not gonna risk my body for simple vanity. It's not THAT important to me.

But others feel differently -- and from what I've heard, lipo can work wonders for people in a similar situation.
Hi Haydee,
I love bread, pasta, cheese and I won't give them up. They are in my diet to stay. I have been maintaining a weight of 133 lbs and am 5 feet 7inches. Excess weight is a matter of consuming more calories than you are burning up. First estimate the number of calories you need to maintain your weight and then make a modest reduction in calories consumed. You can talk to a dietician to put together a healthy diet that YOU will enjoy that contains the foods you like and not the ones you don't like. You will lose at a slow pace but your energy will be up, you won't end up decreasing your metabolism etc. In order to estimate calories burned daily, I invested in a heart rate monitor to figure out what I was burning during my workouts. It turned out I was overestimating based on numbers you can find on web sites that has you input your weight, type of exercise and duration of exercise. I was estimating that I was burning about 350-400 calories for Rhythmic Step for example,and in fact found I was only burning 260-270. Cardio will help you lose weight more than stength workouts based on calories burned during and after exercise. (However, since you were squatting 225 lbs, maybe you were burning more calories than the average person who lifts alot less). It was once thought that muscle burned alot more calories per day at rest compared to fat (50 calories more/day/lb muscle) but these estimates have been revised to only 5-10 calories more/day and and so lifting for this purpose won't work. Lifting is important to build and maintain muscle mass and bone density and so don't give it up. I would add cardio and consume slightly less calories (with a diet you can live with) than you are burning up. You don't have alot of weight to lose and so you can go slow. Good luck to another bread and cheese lover.

:)Thank you for this information:) . I will definitely take your advise, bc I would hate to give up my cardio (step aerobics/floor aerobics/kickboxing) for consistent wt training.

My dh thinks of me as some kind of freakx( bc I can lift heavy, but it's not fun just lifting w/o the cardio. I don't enjoy lifting HEAVY anymore I prefer to work out with Cathe.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel I can achieve results lifting a little less than I normally would, but doing more reps. and incorporating cardio.

Thanks again Cathy:D

I think like you. I have saddlebags but I do not want to going under the knife for cosmetic reasons.I have a good upper body and abs but I have this horrible saddlebags. My mother has saddlebsgs and my aunts too. It is a family inheritance.

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