Help...DVR or TIVO?

Oh my gosh...I'm cracking up over here...I was thinking that you meant
Il Divo the singing group...:D dmd
Hi There, I just wanted to chime in with a DVR experience. I love it, BUT if the box breaks or you move, you lose your shows. Our cable box stopped functioning correctly twice in the 10 months I've lived here. The cable company drives me nuts. But that's a whole other story. Both times I had a ton of shows that my son loves (Blue's Clues, Dora etc.). Since the box wasn't working, I had to turn it in both times only to lose all the shows I had taped. Since he's little, he loves the same episodes over and over. The first time it happened it didn't even dawn on me that the shows would be gone. The second time I went through the annoying process of taping them all to VHS (don't own a dvd recorder). We are a military family and move all the time. I was told that you take Tivo with you. If that is the case, then the next place we go I am getting that instead of DVR. I know a Tivo box could break too, but I still would prefer that. Hope this helps!
--Jennifer :)
I have DVR service from comcast cable. If I set up series recording, it will automatically record all episodes of of a show. Even if the show comes on at a different time, it will know and record it. The DVR can be set up to keep all recordings until I delete, or will delete oldest first as space is needed. Also, DVRs have a memory, so if the power goes out, it will remember your settings, you don't have to reset everything.

I have a dual tuner DVR, which means I can watch regular TV and record another show. Or record 2 shows at once. I really love it. . . can't imagine how I lived without it. I'm also one of those people who sometimes forget I'm watching live TV and try to FF :)

Even thought I pay a rental fee for the DVR, the main reason I got it over TIVO was because if the box ever had problems, I can just return to the cable company for a replacement (which I've already had to do). Can't do that with TIVO.

For above poster (Jennifer) Wouldn't the TIVO have the same problem of losing shows if the box broke? From what I understand, a DVR is just like a computer hard drive, so if the hard drive gets damaaged, or has a problem, there's always a potential to lose data.

I HATE my DVR with my cable company. I don't know about DISH Network and others, but our DVR just absolutely sucks, so I can only speak for MY DVR.

TiVo by far has a more intelligent programming software:

1. You can pause and resume the program 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month later - My DVR only pauses for 30 minutes. So if you don't resume watching within that time frame, you have to FF and find your "stopped" point.

2. Season Pass is awesome - Like "American Idol" is on 3 times a week at the beginning of the season. TiVO will record any and all even if the time and date changes - my DVR doesn't know. You have to set it to each time/day.

3. TiVO knows the difference between a "new" and "rerun". You can exclude "reruns." - My DVR records everything.

4. You can set TiVo WAY ahead to record your shows - you don't have to worry about missing the 1st episode of the season. My DVR can only be pre-programmed for 1 week at a time AND you have to know the DAY and TIME of the show. You only need the show's name for TiVo.

5. With TiVo, if a promo/trailer comes on, you can record that with one push of a button - you don't have to find the date/time, etc.

6. With TiVo, if you have premier channels (e.g., HBO, STARZ, etc.) you can program your TV to record movies with your favorite actors and TiVo will find and record them.

Yes, I love TiVo and can't wait until my current contract expires.
MadnNatsmom -- just curious . . .which cable company do you have?

I have Comacast in Maryland and my DVR will do 2, 3 ,4 from you post. Season pass features, exclude reruns, and I have a "season pass" set from last year for American Idol and it started recording this year with no problems. I can also record a shows on the spot. I guess it really depends on your location as to how many "extras" you can get from the cable company
Hi Carole!
Belated happy birthday...Here I go trying to indulge myself. There are simply too many shows my family wants to watch and too few t.v.'s not to mention early bed timesx( . Gosh, so many gals here have been great to chime in..I knew I'd get some good feedback here. It is great to hear from you. Take care~deb
I prefer Tivo because with Tivo - you tell it what show you want and do not need to know the time or date it is on. Even if the show gets moved to a different day, if you have a season pass set up it will tape it.

Also, you can set up wishlists to tape all movies/shows with certain actors or directors.

Tivo has a lot more functionality than regular DVR.

>Hi Carole!
>Belated happy birthday...Here I go trying to indulge myself.
>There are simply too many shows my family wants to watch and
>too few t.v.'s not to mention early bed timesx( . Gosh, so
>many gals here have been great to chime in..I knew I'd get
>some good feedback here. It is great to hear from you. Take

Thanks Deb! Honestly when I got my TIVO DVR in 2005, I was never happier. I have had NO problems with it and I think you and your family would thoroughly enjoy one...:)
I have had RePlay (similar to TiVo) and the DVR from our Fiber Optic company(we have that instead of cable). The only complaint that I have with either is that the first DVR from the Fios company wasn't worth the plastic it was made of. Since then the Fios company has upgraded equipment and software and the new system is much better. We can tape 2 shows at a time. We can watch recorded shows on a different TV from where it was recorded(taped in living room, watch in bedroom). Our Replay is nice, but we have had it several years so its technology is probably starting to get out dated. (only records 1 show at time). Replay was neat though, because you could actually program it from the internet. Say if you went away for the weekend and forgot to set your Sunday night show, you could go on the internet and set it to record (as long as you had 24 hours before show began).

If I were you I would research the current models of Tivo and find out all of it's features and also contact your cable/dish company and find out all their features and then compare. Different cable companies have different systems. Technology is always improving so the dvrs of a few years ago are better now whether they are name brand (Tivo/Replay) or cable sponsored.

Good luck. Either way you decide, you will love it.

Thank you all for your responses. This is going to be easier that I thought. I had a much tougher time deciding on a treadmill...;) deb
>>>>MadnNatsmom -- just curious . . .which cable company do you have?

I have Comacast in Maryland and my DVR will do 2, 3 ,4 from you post. Season pass features, exclude reruns, and I have a "season pass" set from last year for American Idol and it started recording this year with no problems. I can also record a shows on the spot. I guess it really depends on your location as to how many "extras" you can get from the cable company

I have Champion Broadband (local company). I went with them because at the time, they had the only standard DVR that could record Hi-Def. DirecTV required that I pay an extra $350 for a Hi-Def recorder. It didn't make sense for us to get a DVR/converter that could not record hi def, since we only watch recorded shows, rarely live.

Once you get used to watching Hi-Def, regular broadcasts are unbelievably grainy and blurry.

I think we have Comcast here, but maybe they're being bought out by Time-Warner (?) - can't recall.

I believe TiVo can now record in Hi-Def and Costco is selling one for $169 or so.

That "pause/resume" feature was awesome. I watch my recorded shows in snippets, rarely in one uninterrupted session.

Jane gave a great suggestion to compare the DVR capablities of your cable company with TiVo.

Oh, I think you can also program your TiVo from work through your computer.
Just wanted to pipe in here with my 2 Cents!

I have had Tivo for about a year now, I love it. And last week I had a DVR put into my second room - and I'm not loving it so much, but I'm trying to be patient and see if it grows on me. Here are the two major differences I have found:

1. Tivo lets me actually watch 2 shows, sort of simultaneously. Let me explain. You have two tuners, so you can toggle back and forth between the 2 shows that are on. I.E. on Sunday I was watching the Amazing Race on one channel, and I set the other to the Oscars. With Tivo, you have 30 minutes of memory on the tuners you are watching. (Without setting it to record, it just does this.) So, after I was done watching the Amazing Race, I switched over to the Oscars and hit the little button that takes me to the beginning or end of the current show, and watched my program. No recording necessary. I must say that on Thursdays, this feature allows me to watch 4 shows per night instead of 2. (But some people find it a bit crazy to watch TV this way - my DH can't stand the way I flip back and forth!!) BUT - my new DVR doesn't have the same feature. I can record one show and watch another one, but I don't have the capability to see two back and forth. I have to record one and then pick my other channel to watch. DRIVES ME NUTS!!

2. The DVR remote doesn't react nearly as fast as the TIVO one. SO when you are watching something you've recorded, and are FF through the commercials, you shoot way past the restart and have to then REWIND - I find this very annoying.

Just FYI, I am a Directv customer, and got both systems through them. The TIVO was what they offered last year - not sure why they don't still have it. BUT, I got my DVR for free (except $19.99 shipping/handling, and free installation.) Normally, costs $99.99, which is what I paid for the Tivo. I also pay a $4.99 fee per unit each month to Directv.

Hope this helps, and you don't all think I'm completely nuts for my TV watching!!

Just wanted to pipe in here with my 2 Cents!

I have had Tivo for about a year now, I love it. And last week I had a DVR put into my second room - and I'm not loving it so much, but I'm trying to be patient and see if it grows on me. Here are the two major differences I have found:

1. Tivo lets me actually watch 2 shows, sort of simultaneously. Let me explain. You have two tuners, so you can toggle back and forth between the 2 shows that are on. I.E. on Sunday I was watching the Amazing Race on one channel, and I set the other to the Oscars. With Tivo, you have 30 minutes of memory on the tuners you are watching. (Without setting it to record, it just does this.) So, after I was done watching the Amazing Race, I switched over to the Oscars and hit the little button that takes me to the beginning or end of the current show, and watched my program. No recording necessary. I must say that on Thursdays, this feature allows me to watch 4 shows per night instead of 2. (But some people find it a bit crazy to watch TV this way - my DH can't stand the way I flip back and forth!!) BUT - my new DVR doesn't have the same feature. I can record one show and watch another one, but I don't have the capability to see two back and forth. I have to record one and then pick my other channel to watch. DRIVES ME NUTS!!

2. The DVR remote doesn't react nearly as fast as the TIVO one. SO when you are watching something you've recorded, and are FF through the commercials, you shoot way past the restart and have to then REWIND - I find this very annoying.

Just FYI, I am a Directv customer, and got both systems through them. The TIVO was what they offered last year - not sure why they don't still have it. BUT, I got my DVR for free (except $19.99 shipping/handling, and free installation.) Normally, costs $99.99, which is what I paid for the Tivo. I also pay a $4.99 fee per unit each month to Directv.

Hope this helps, and you don't all think I'm completely nuts for my TV watching!!


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