HELP!!! COLICKY BABY: breastfeeding to formula


Please someone help me. I have another collicky boy. my 1st child was collicky for almost 5 months. I waited 4 years to have another because of this, and my second is collicky too. I am breastfeeding and have elliminated milk and gassy foods. I also have reflux medicine. But he just got worse since turning 1 month. I am really considering quiting breastfeeding and giving him formula while he is collicky and pumpping to keep my milk up. He doesn't enjoy eating nor did my 1st child, who I breastfed until he weaned hinmself at 8 months. Has anyone else done this? What formula do you recommend?


There is a book called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Harvey Karp, I strongly recommend the book. We followed it word by word and it works. Swaddle, swaddle, swaddle, and then drive to the bookstore and go get the book.
As for formula, IMO talk with your doctor and see what works best. I had to switch 3x's before I stuck with Enfamil Soy without the Lipil.
Talk with your doctor, they will know what is best.
Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions about the book.

Good Luck, hang in there, it will get better.
You may want to talk to your dr. about acid reflux. I have two friends whose babies had it and were given some medicine and they said it was like night and day. Hugs to you...I hope you find something that works.

I went through the same thing with DD. I second the recommendation for the Happiest Baby book. He makes a compelling case that colic is not digestive but stems from a baby's difficulty adapting to life outside the womb. But if you think the problem is digestive, I also second the recommendation that you check for reflux. I sincerely doubt that switching to formula can help. You might try to give up dairy, eggs, etc. to see if that makes a difference, but I find it hard to believe that a baby would as a rule react better to formula than BM. There might be an offending food in your diet, but once it's identified and eliminated, you should be ok.

Hang in there. I KNOW how hard it is when your baby seems so miserable. DH is a lot better now at 14 weeks, but she still gets pretty fussy. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't nurse her. It's my ace in the hole to calm her down.

ETA: I just reread your post and I see that you have tried giving up dairy and also have tried reflux medicine. I was in dire straights at 1 month. I think sometimes there's no fix for it except to use some tricks to calm them down. The Happiest Baby book was a lifesaver for that.
Kathy, I have been there...I totally understand your frustration with 1 ,I cant even imagine 2. With my ds they told me he was collic but I was not going to just let it happen without trying everything. 1st thing I did was switch to soy formula and changed to dr. browns bottles. I will NEVER use another bottle with any of my children. They are a little more expensive but after I made the switch within 2 days so did Jake. Please keep us posted and know you are not alone!!!
Hope this helps
also wanted to add that I had to sometimes put a drop of mylicon into his formula if I notice him getting a little more fussy(but that was not all the time)
I'm so sorry!!! This may help, my father in law is an ob/gyn and his close friend from med school is a neo natal specialist. I did not breastfeed and he recommended Enfamil LIPIL with Iron. That's what they feed all the preemies to do well. He said it's the closest to breastmilk and better. Hannah was not a preemie but that's the formula he said to absolutely use. Hannah has never been sick, no digestive problems or gas problems. She is 11 months. I used Playtes VENT AIR bottles, she never spit up but once. I have heard Dr. Brown's are good too. Hope this helps with formula. Trial and Error, you'll find what's best. Good luck to you!;-)

Mommy to Hannah Lilly born 3/25/05
>I did not breastfeed and he recommended Enfamil
>LIPIL with Iron. That's what they feed all the preemies to do
>well. He said it's the closest to breastmilk and better.>

Wow! Better than BM? Did I read that correctly? May I ask if he explained why it was better? Not trying to start a debate or anything I am just curious since I have never heard that from a dr. before so I would like to know more.
I have no advice for you but justed wanted to say that I feel your pain. My 4-year old was colicky and nothing calmed him. Good luck to you!

Gannon is also on Enfamil Lipil. That is what they told me to give him if breastfeeding didn't work out.
First, don't feel bad, b/c your baby will not have colic forever, even though it feels like it. I found that w/ my first daughter, giving up milk, cheese, even cremora, which has milk protein, eliminated the problem. (also tomatoes, broccoli, onions, citrus fruits, sigh)

Now w/ my son, it was another story. He was miserable -I mean cried from 6 pm to 6 am. I gave up everything except oatmeal, it seemed, but that didn't work. Neither did baby massage, mylocon,prescription colic drops, even testing for reflux at the hospital. My sister is even a pediatrician and ran out of ideas. He never napped and I was a zombi. I remember just holding him and crying. Thank g-d he wasn't my first b/c I would have blamed myself. Just remember colic usually ends at 7 months (the latest!)and also breast feeding is best b/c it has smaller molecules/better fat/protein ratio, that are easier for your baby to digest. Soy formula may work for you if you choose to stop breastfeeding. I found Carnation Good Start as a good supplemental formula,(I was still breastfeeding) b/c the protein molecules are actually smaller in this formula, mimicking breast milk composition better. (and it's cheaper than other formulas, at least when I used it)

At 9 months, my son became a smiling drooly happy baby and has never stopped smiling. He is the light of my life, along w/ my daughter. Keep your chin up and remember that it won't go on forever! HTH /karen
I think there was a typo there and was trying to say it was the best formula on the market for her, not better than breastmilk.
Not "better than breastmilk" meaning better than any formula out there because it has all the nutrients and iron a baby needs. But not all babies get iron in breastmilk. That's all.
>I think there was a typo there and was trying to say it was
>the best formula on the market for her, not better than
That makes sense. It just caught my attention because it seems like research is changing what we know about health all the time, and I thought "Oh no, after all that effort, are they now telling us something different about bfing? That there's something better?"
Thanks to everyone who has replyed to my posting. I have good and bad news. The good news is that in desperation we grabbed the only formula in the house,Infamil Lipid milk based formula,last Tuesday evening. My baby has remained fussy, but he is not screaming bloody murder anymore, he is less gassy, and is spitting up less. The bad news is that I am no closer to understaning why breastfeeding caused him to be so miserable. I suspect it may have to do with the fact that breastmilk has more of a laxative effect, thus bringing more gas. Also, my let down might have been a little too fast for him. I have been pumping 8 times/day with some hope that some how I might still be able to breastfeed this child.

My doctor's nurse told me to give it a week to be sure there is a real difference. She also recommended Gantle E formula by Infamil. I haven't purchased it yet.

I'll keep you posted.
I just read an article about this while waiting in my midwife's office this morning. It suggested eliminating milk products, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy and maybe some others, but that's all my brain can remember right now! Also it highly recommended swaddling and "white noise" to help the baby relax, as well as getting outside if and when the weather is nice.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

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