Help choosing stretching video


I'd like help choosing a stretching video. I'm not after mere relaxation, but more of an athletic/ developmental stretch.

Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines & Curves didn't work for me, because I'm not ballerina-flexible.
Tamilee Webb's Stretch for Flexibility looks like it might be good, but how can you tell from a 1-minute preview?
Madeleine Lewis'A.M. & P.M. Stretch looks like it has great scenery, but how is the workout itself?
Charlene Prickett's Homestretch is supposed to be good, but I've read that all her talking turns people off.
Are there others out there worth buying?

Can you offer any suggestions? I'm interested in hearing what you've tried, what you thought of it & what you've liked.

Hi Juliee,

I prefer athletic stretch myself and I'll share with you what I've found:

-Denise Austin: "Flex & Stretch" (30min head to toe stretching/new age music)

-Tamilee Webb: "Beginners Stretch 4 flexibility" (30min head to toe stretch, each stretch held about 20-30sec)

-Tamilee Webb: "Total Body Stretch" (30min total broken down into 3-10min segments of standing/chair/floor stretch)

These are the 3 I use the most for a good stretch usually tacked on to a shorter cardio since they are only 30min.

I also have Charlene's "Homestretch" which is 60min, but I'll tell you even though I don't use it often, I wouldn't part with it for anything. Charlene stretches every little part from your head down, she hits muscles you didn't even know you had, the tiny ones as well as the larger muscles. She is chatty, but this is a very informative stretch video because as you are holding each stretch, which must be for 30-45sec at least, she is telling you about the muscle group itself and showing you a chart with what the muscle looks like, so it's not just mindless babble, it's informative chat. Time is the only reason I don't do this more often, it is a full hour and I rarely have the time to devote an entire hour to stretching, but it is a wonderful total body stretch.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Juliee,

I have the Tamilee DVD with both stretching workouts that Donna mentioned that I do quite a bit - a 10 minute segment or two depending on how much time I have. I often add one of the 10 min segments to a cardio workout for a more thorough stretch. I've heard great things about Charlene's Homestretch, and I also like Karen Voight's Pure & Simple stretch (another athletic stetching vid). Ialso like the 20 minute stretch segment on Kathy Smith's Instant Workout - the toning and cardio sections are pretty much a joke, but the stretch part is good. That's a tape you could pick up for very little I'm sure. I don't have Madeline's new one so I can't comment. HTH,

Hi Juliee,

Another vote for the Tamilee DVD. Like Donna, I prefer athletic stretch; and like Beth, I do the segments on Tamilee's DVD often after a cardio workout. Tamilee has a very pleasant manner and the stretches are straightforward and effective.

I'm curious about the new Madeleine Lewis one myself... hopefully if anyone has it they will post and let us know how it is!


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