Help Choosing; Slow and Heavy vs. Push/pull and supersets


I am slowly aquirinq all of Cathe's workouts. Which one of these 2 workouts should be my next purchase? I love the idea of split workouts, but find I don't have time, so I usually have to use the "express" portion. Thanks in advance for your help.:)
RE: Help Choosing; Slow and Heavy vs. Push/pull and sup...

Susan, S&H is totally different from Cathe's other workouts so the answer partly depends upon what your already own. S&H does lend itself to one body part per day training.

I like the Superset & Push/Pull workouts but they're not as popular as most of Cathe's strength workouts. They are easier (or seem easier) than the others. The premixes are great; I like to use them in an upper/lower body split where I'm using something like Legs & Glutes for lower body. The DVD would work well when you need an "express" workout. They do use a lot of equipment.

Hope this helps.

There are two very different types of workouts.
S&H is good (though I prefer different lower body workouts), but not something that you can do as often as other workouts (Cathe recommends a shorter rotation when using the series).

SS/PP is often dissed by people as being "too easy," but the premixes expecially can take them to another level. I also think that the push/pull ör "circuït" arrangement of exercises (not really a "superset" in my book) makes the exercises feel easier, because you aren't totally exhausting one muscle group before moving on. You're distributing the effort a bit more, so it seems like you are putting in less effort.

I like the use of the stability ball in SS/PP, and they are fun workouts(S&H is fun to me because I like heavy, intense lifting, but some find the series to be too slow and hard to concentrate on).

YOu can turn either SS or PP into a "split routine" by using the premixes (upper body only-either 2 or 3 rounds--lower body only).

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