HELP! Cat Litter is driving me insane


My cats are driving me nuts! DH said that Tidy Cat Scoop was really dusty so I changed to Fresh Scoop but they have been tracking that stuff all over the house!! So I tried Arm & Hammer and that is worse.

There is a Tidy Cat Breeze system that I saw in Wal-Mart with big pellets. Has anyone tried it?

Please recommend a cat litter that doesn't get stuck in their paws so much but still smells good and isn't too dusty. At this point price is becoming no object...

You have to get Yesterday's News. It is recycled newspaper made into pellets. I think it is by Purina. Yes - here is a link and a coupon too, it looks like - I go to Petsmart which has bigger bags and better prices than Petco and grocery stores. I do not like the scented, softer texture stuff - I only get the unscented. I use just enough to cover the bottom of the box and empty it daily, rinse the box, and start over. (I see on their site they mention using 2-3 inches. That is too much in my opinion. I probably don't even use an inch - literally just what it takes to cover the bottom. When I use a petsitter and they put too much in, it smells). Takes all of about 2 minutes, counting going outside to the garbage and hose! It is not dusty, they do not track it, and there is no smell (the scented, oddly enough, made me want to hurl). The cats like it too :) Good luck - I tried the pine stuff too - that wasn't good either.
OHHHHH do I have something for you!! I got the new Breeze system at target $33.00 for the box and the litter and the pads. I have 5 cats and 4 litter boxes (all the breeze now) It does not track and you change the litter once a month-you scoop the poop every day though. It has a pad for the bottom of the litter box that you change every 3 days to 1 week depending on how many cats you have. I looooooove this Breeze! Check it out!


I might have to try the Breeze. Seemed like it was a lot more at my Target, but I will have to go back and check. I bought the pads to put under my cat litter; I use the crystal stuff which I really like. Very little odor.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm........... Thanks for the info!

Thanks everyone.

I was in Hy-Vee tonight and saw they had the scented Yesterday's news for $5.89 and the Breeze cat litter system for $29.99. DH wanted to try the Yesterday's news first because he thought the cats would like it better than the Breeze system (and it's cheaper). I bought a bag of the scented to try - we don't have a Petco or anything like that for about 100 miles so I'll take what I can get.

If I don't like the smell of the scented stuff, I'm going to try the Breeze - the pellets seem really big in the Breeze though- how long did it take before your cats adjusted?
Lori Ann,

I put the new Breeze next to one of my old ones (I was using feline pine which I love but it does track alot) and they went in it right away so the next day I went out and bought 3 more and I had no problems at all. The pellets are big but it did not seem to bother them-they seemed happy to try something new. I would never have guessed it would work out so well but like I said they love it and so do I when I only have to change the litter once a week. Let us know what works best for you and your kitties!!

Feline Pine. It's all we've used for the last 4 or 5 years. It's the best, IMO. Natural, doesn't track, is not dusty, and it's the only thing we've found that covers the smell of cat pee.
I've been using Arm and Hammer Super Scoop, which clumps really hard to eliminate some problems.

You can get mats to clean kitties' paws as they leave the litterbox (mine clean as they are coming upstairs from the basement where the litter boxes are).
When we had a cat....:-( we don't anymore...:-( :-( anyway. I bought that automatic scooper machine. As soon as Trixie was done doing her thing, it would push the litter into an enclosed plastic box thingy. It never smelled-ever. I do not remember if her paws got dirty, I put a mat underneath the whole thing, so it probably cleaned her paws off.
>When we had a cat....:-( we don't anymore...:-( :-( anyway. I
>bought that automatic scooper machine. As soon as Trixie was
>done doing her thing, it would push the litter into an
>enclosed plastic box thingy. It never smelled-ever.

I tried that one. My cats showed no interest in it whatsoever, so I returned it after 4 days of non-use! (would have been a great idea, if they'd felt the same way!)
I am going to have try some of the recommendations posted in this thread because I have just been saying this very thing!!! The cat litter being tracked around the house is driving me insane! :-( Thank you for posting this thread..

The BEST cat litter i've found is by Arm&Hammer High Performance at Target.My friend recommended it to me.She has three cats and I have three cats and two litter boxes.Stuff is amazing.Very easy to scoop and easy to clean the litter box.Great stuff.Little pricey but worth it

is breeze a litter as well that I can use that in an existing litter box? I hate the litter tracking

Hi Jane,

You can use the breeze litter in a regular box but in the breeze box it sits up high and there is a pad below that catches the urine that you change every 3 days. So the only thing in the top of the box is poop that you scoop every day. Then you only change the litter once a month. So while it may seem expensive when you calculate it up its not so bad-plus I would pay anything for good litter. I also used feline pine put it DOES track. There is no smell with the breeze except when they go poop right away of course. I really love it for us.
OMG, I am *SO* getting that Breeze thing!! I have two kitties and 2 litterpans, and we scoop the litter every day but it's still stinky. I'm going to stop at Target tonight and buy one, to see how the boys like it.
> So the only
>thing in the top of the box is poop that you scoop every day.
>Then you only change the litter once a month.

But don't the cats cover the poo with the Breeze litter anyway, so it sticks to the poo? My cats are OCD about covering their poo, and I can't imagine that they'd just leave it sitting on top without doing their best to cover (especially Bobsie, who has been known to cover poo for those who aren't quite as thorough/picky as she is).
I like how the sides of that Breeze box are high. That's my issue with my male cat - he doesn't sit down and pee sprays outside the box! He doesn't like the hooded boxes, as they're too caustrophobic and probably really contain the odor (I'm thinking it must smell like an outhouse in there!).

Cats are wonderful creatures and I couldn't imagine living without them. But I've certainly had my fill of pee issues.


My cats used to cover the poop but with the breeze they dont. It does not stick to the poop. It it so strange how well this system works, I cant explain it and my husband I were skeptical at first but all I can say is WOW. It really does work.

i have tried almost every litter at target and the only one that works for me is Scoop Away. it does not track,clumps good,and does not smell. i agree,Armer Hammer was the worst one i tried,tidy cat doesnot clump good,and fresh step tracks and leaves an odor.the nature ones did not work either


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