Help! Anyone tried hypnosis?


I'm looking to detox my body of sweets. After numerous tries I have been unsuccessful past 24 hours. Weak, no will-power. Sad, I know. I have done it in the past - about 8 years ago. 5 years ago I got pregnant and used that excuse for trying the "eat in moderation" concept. My personality does not allow me to do that. I'm an 'all-or-nothing' type person. I'm desperate. Has anyone tried hypnosis for breaking a habit/changing yourself?
Any words are appreciated.
For food ~no, but a very close friend of my moms used hypnosis to stop smoking and it worked for him. He had had a 5 pack/day habit for many years and tried quitting several times only to fail and smoke again so he tried hypnosis and with just 1 session for $50. he never smoked again and it's been at least 12 years now and he's been smoke free. So it worked for smoking, maybe sweets too?


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Like you, I'm an all or nothing person. I never tried hypnosis, but one of my good friends did. She had many sessions, one-on-one, with a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist(?). She felt it did her a lot of good, but I didn't notice that she lost much weight. I think she just needed someone to talk to. My in-laws also tried one of those mass hynosis sessions to quit smoking. No luck either.

I do have a suggestion that may help, though. Until recently, I was on Weight Watchers. With that plan, you can eat tons and tons of food and still lose weight. Most of it has to be "good" food, but there are also lots of "legal" snacks, like fudge bars, cheesecake, chocolate mousse, etc. Of course, if you're trying to get rid of sweets for reasons other than losing weight, this wouldn't do you much good. Still, it really helped me to be able to eat such a variety of food and even include sweet treats on a daily basis. This plan worked beautifully for me, even though I'm diabetic. I'm not even taking medicine anymore. Because we're both all-or-nothings, maybe it will work for you, too. It's a thought, anyway. As Cathe says, "take it or leave it."

Best wishes

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