HELP! Any nail techs?


I had acrylic nails put on in Nov and took them off about a month or so ago. They are so splitting (and sore) and are sooooooooo soft. I have NEVER had nails like this and just don't know what to do?? Should I use that opi nail strengthener, should I just let them 'breath' and not put anything on them? Should I up my flax seed? Help, they are way too soft and are cracking, splitting and very sore. :(

Thanks so much for any suggestions,
I did nails for 5 years and I am so glad that it is over! I didn't enjoy doing them at all.They are very bad for your nails.Alot of the time I would get people in my chair who wanted them and I would talk them into getting a manicure instead.
You pretty much have to wait it out.You can put some nail envy (opi)on them but it won't stay on that great.You could also try getting a manicure.
If you don't want to do that, you just need to keep cutting them short until they have grown out.I know, I've even put them on myself and I sore I would never do it again.There is no real way of fixing the nails that are on your hands now, you just have to be patient and let them grow out.Keeping them short is the best way to grow, if they grow they just peel off anyway.
There is a company I've seen a few times on QVC called Prostrong. Their products look really good. The product descriptions on the website doesn't say a whole lot, but they will be showing the product line next Thursday.

Here is a link to the product line:

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
If you can find nailtique nail strengthener try that. It is the best I've found. I have seen it sold in nail salons but I think they also have it at beauty supply shops. It really helps.
I have been a nail tech for 15 years. I have always avoided doing acrylic because I think it is the most damaging product on your nail bed. It does sometimes depend on the procedure used also. Like Lori said you will just have to wait it out and I'd suggest trying your best to use strengtheners on a regular basis. It takes a nail approximately 6 months to grow out. Sometimes just getting a manicure every week or 2 can help your nails at this time....:)...Carole
Hi Teresa, I'm not a nail tech but I've had acrylics many times. I find that the more skilled the technician is, the less brittle and nasty your real nails will be when you decide to remove the acrylic overlays. It's more expensive but well worth it, in my opinion.

I had an INCREDIBLE technician when I lived in a different city and since then, I've just left them off because I can't find anyone I like since I've moved.

Anyway, I agree with the previous poster who said it's best to cut your nails down short and just wait it out. I'm assuming you're probably not in any hurry to get acrylics again but if you do, I've found it's best to keep them on at least a couple of months before removing. It's not as bad after a few fill-ins, in my opinion.

Good luck!
Hi, Teresa:

I had acrylics for about a year before switching to silk nails and then eventually had them removed altogether. I was like you - they HURT, were sore and tender, cracked and splitted, and generally looked and felt terrible. They were also starting to yellow because they were going to get INFECTED, ick. It took about 4-6 weeks for them to stop feeling and looking so bad. I used the Prostrong product and got manicures every two weeks (where it was tempting to get the nails back on because they looked so bad but I am so glad I didn't). The good news is your nails will eventually come back.

Hang in there!

"Thanks so much ladies". I guess I will have just have to be patient and know that will eventually grow back out.

I did try the opi strengthener but gosh, the next day it started to come off and I certainly don't have time every other day to take off polish and put back on so guess I will just 'wait it out'.

Thanks again :)
Teresa, some of those formulas are designed so that you put on a coat every day without taking the old stuff off... for about a week or so, then you take it off and start over. Not sure if Opi is one of those...

Good luck!

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