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Hi I am a 27 year old mother of two. I started dieting this summer I have lost about 30 pounds now but I still have about 20 to go. I am stuck, I walk and work out at the gym about 3-5 times a week. When ever I can and as much as I can, My husband and I are both full time students and work part time along with the kids so it's hard to find time but we are pretty good at getting it done.

I walk/run anywhere from 2-4 miles each day I am at the gym along with a little weightlifting and water volleyball. I am looking for something that I can do at home when I can't make the gym something that I would see results by doing 3-4 times a week along with my gym routine. This way if I could not make the gym I could still feel good about getting something done at home.

I want to get rid of that last 20 pounds and start firming and defining muscle definition does anyone have any advice on where to start and with which DVD? :)
Hi & welcome to Cathe. Congratulations on the weight loss! You've come to the right place to get past that plateau!

I guess to start we'll all really need more information about what you are looking for in a workout. Do you live in an apartment (first or 2nd floor)? How much room do you have to workout & how much are you willing to spend? Do you have any equipment at all to get started? A barbell, dumbbells, step? What is suggested to you will all depend on the answers to these questions.

The apartment is an issue because Cathe is very high impact in her aerobic tapes. You don't want to be stepping if your neighbors are home--they might complain about the noise.

All of Cathe's tapes require some equipment EXCEPT Cardio Kicks. This will give you a great cardio vascular workout which will help you burn calories while you are working out. However, in order to continue to burn calories, you need strength work, too. When looking at Cathe's tapes, you can see the equipment that is needed by looking on the right side of the page just under the description.

My favorite total body workouts are Power Hour, Maximum Instensity Strength (aka MIS) & Muscle Endurance. You can alternate these 3 workouts with cardio in between. They will really shape you up quickly. To modify, just lighten up on the weight you use.

Good luck in your quest for fitness!
We do live in a house. We have an unfinished basement that we use for working out. We have plenty of room. I have free weights, airwalker, TV, VCR, and DVD player located down stairs for using to workout. I am planning on getting a step to use when working out I also have some resistence bands.

As far as spending I was actually thinking of the power hour combination to start with. Then as I get into that one possibly later get some different ones to open up some variety. Thanks for the help :D

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