Help a novice-Catheite?


New Member
I have been strength and cardio training for approximately a year now and think I am ready to take on Cathe's videos. I had always heard how intense they were and up until now I have always been a little intimidated by them.

I have decided to buy three of her videos and have made my tentative choices. They are: Circuit Max, the Wedding Video, and Maximum Intensity Strength. Have I made good choices for beginning Cathe videos? I could really use some feedback from all you Cathe-veterans out there.

A Cathe virgin,
hi diane, i can't believe that i am the first to post to your question !! i just did circuit max last night and as usual that tape kicked my butt. i am not sure how progressd you are but if you have been working out for a year i am sure you would have no problem with the wedding video or mis because you can easily modify with the weight you choose. on circuit max cathe says that the workout is very advanced and even though there are some modifcations be prepared!!! ctx (cross train express) would also be an excellent choice because of all the variety and modifications you can make. it's a very adaptable series. good luck and have fun!
I think those are good choices. I have MIS and Circuit Max. I don't have the wedding video but I have been told it is at an intermediate level and good for beginners. MIS is really challenging but you can start with light weights and you can even break it up into split routines - upper/lower or certain body parts. I love this tape - it has really made me strong.
Also, the form Cathe uses on this tape is fantastic - it really helped me learn how to do the exercises correctly and corrected some bad form I had picked up from other videos.

Circuit Max is tough but worth it - I would get it and work up to it - you could do a little at a time - When I finished it I felt so good - like I completed a marathon!

Good luck.
It would help to know what you've been doing in the past year to help you choose the best videos for you. I started with the Wedding Video myself a few years ago after using basically Tae-Bo and the Firm. It's an excellent place to start. You won't be too overwhelmed with the choreography in this one. MIS is also a great choice, very adaptable. I would not, however, recommend Circuit Max for a couple reasons. First, it's VERY intense, which you may or may not be prepared for. Second, she uses alot of choreography from previous videos and really doesn't break it down much, so you might get kind of frustrated. The same is true for the CTX series. I would suggest instead any of the earlier step videos. I think I went to Mega Step Blast and Step Max after Wedding, but be aware that these are kind of dated looking so if that bugs you, I would give Power Max a shot. This one is probably my favorite of all the step videos, and IMHO a little easier to follow than Step Fit, Step Jam, Step Works and Rhythmic Step. Just my .02!! You really can't go wrong because you'll end up with them all eventually. I hardly ever use anything else. Have fun!
I think choreography wise, these are good choices for a new-comer to Cathe. You may have to modify, and do some parts of Circuit Max low impact, but you can do it. My advice is to do the Wedding Video several times before jumping into Circuit Max. When you do try CM, keep the whole thing low-impact the first time and see how you feel. If you go all-out the first 3 circuits, you probably will peeter out!
Besides, if a tape is easy right from the beginning, you get bored with it. Just don't be discouraged if you are challenged at first. You won't believe how quickly you will gain strength and endurance by setting your goals higher for yourself using Cathe.
You will get lots of differing opinions, so it is probably best to just buy a few tapes so you have a basis for comparison.
Have fun and welcome to the Cathe fitness family. :)
Hey Diane,

How great!!! You are ready!! You never mentioned your fitness level or anything but if i can start Cathe .. after doing fittv 20min low impact step and total gym for 15min for about 3 mos. and weighing like 224!! !!!! I'd cry, my feet screamed and hurt like hell!!!lol But i got step was like wow. She just knew her stuff and looked really confident and did a great job and getting me to want to sweat..I did the first one..step jam.. man .. my butt was so kicked .. my legs were like heavily burnin' that first time.. but i worked hard.. modified like alot, but worked hard.. and i did it and it has made me soo strong i can do all kinds of great legs are getting defined... I think Step jam is so fun.. u don't realize your getting your butt pulverized.. cuz it flies by.. I know you will do well . i read so many awesome reviews on her and her work before buying one.... and boy i am so glad i did .. and now i have all her vhs but 3 i think.. anyway.. great luck to u and i know you're gonna get into it and do this great stuff for yourself!!! And you're gonna feeel soooo gooood!!!!! :) Yayyyy

good luck

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