HELP! 5 weeks postpartum


Hello all.

Well, as the subject line stated, I'm five weeks postpartum and I've got some concerns!!!

First of all, I'd just like to say that I credit working out (4-5X/wk) until three weeks before delivery for the stamina and strength that my drug-free delivery required! I had intended on getting an epidural, but I went so fast that there was absolutely NO TIME! (I did most of my laboring at home, and within less than one hour of arriving at the hospital, delivered Alexander. The *reason* I did most of my laboring at home is that it was the middle of the night on a Sunday and I was TOO SCARED TO "BOTHER" THE DOCTOR! Silly me!!) Anyway, so if anyone tells you exercise during pregnancy isn't worth it, don't listen!

With that said, however, now that the ordeal of birth is over, I am VERY anxious to get back to working out. Problem is, my bleeding ("lochia") has been less than cooperative. About four days ago, it finally dwindled to light yellow in color, so yesterday, since it has been FIVE WEEKS NOW, I did THE EASIEST WORKOUT I OWN (a "FIRM Basics" tape). I felt fantastic afterwards...both mentally and physically...and didn't seem to have any bleeding problems. This morning, however, the color regressed to a darker red. Gosh darnit! I'm impatient!!

Now I'm concerned about working out (or doing much of anything!) anytime soon! How long does one really have to wait?

Also, I gained a whopping 50 pounds with this pregnancy (though at my 'ideal,' I'm 5'8" and 140 lbs., so that may have helped me pack it on). I only lost 12 lbs. coming home from the hospital (2 days), and as of today, I've lost half...leaving me with an irritating 25 more pounds to lose.

Some literature states "9 months up, 9 months down" in regards to taking the weight this true? Another source said that no matter how much you work out, the pregnancy weight is going to come off at its own pace. Is THAT true?? Let's just say I'm more than terrified at this point!!!

I guess I was sort of unrealistic to think that I'd be "back to normal" in less than a month!!! LOL

Any advice?
Alexander's impatient mommy
Impatient... you and me both!

Hey Meecher!

I'm 5 wks./5 days postpartum, and I can relate to your frustrations. I had an emergency c-section this time around, and so I haven't been able to jump right back into exercise the way I did last time... I've been doing squats, light upper body, and walking, but I can't wait to get the "go ahead" to go full speed ahead! I have my 6 week visit on Tuesday... wish me luck LOL :)

I gained 37 with this one, and I've lost about 28 so far... but nothing fits yet. I am really resisting the temptation to buy bigger clothes... I keep telling myself that if I'm patient it'll come off again! I gained 43 with my first, and with exercising and nursing (no dieting!) I took it off in 4 mos. last time. I was doing 5-6 workouts a week and nursing a Buddha baby :)

About the lochia... mine has been erratic this time... it stopped altogether for a couple of days (except for some very light brown discharge)... and that was on days that I exercised... and then I did nothing for a couple of days, and suddenly my bleeding is back to dark red and heavier. I DON'T GET IT!

I think you can probably keep up your workouts if you don't go all out for awhile... but if you have concerns, give your OB a call.

We'll have to compare notes since our babies are about the same age, and I'm also a tall frame... 5'10" and my happy weight is 145-155 (will I ever see a size 10 again in this lifetime?? LOLOL)

I think that "Slow and steady wins the race" is a good mantra for this time in our lives!
Hi,I just wanted to tell you that I too gained 50 (well a little over)with my two first pregnancy. I bled for the first seven weeks after both their births, very frustrating, because increased flow and brightness of blood is a sign of doing too much, or so I was told. I didn't feel my workouts were strenuous at all, but the body must have, so I would cut back. Anyway, after about 7 weeks it all finally ended and I was on my way to a normal work out schedule.

As for the weight loss, don't worry at all about it. I remember very clearly losing about 14 lbs. in about 10 days with my oldest daughter when she was about 8/9 weeks old. I'm not sure if it was water or what, but it was a huge loss. I was exclusively breast feeding and you are right, that is one heck of a calorie burner!!! Just keep on doing what you are doing and it will come off.
If you are still getting the bleeding, I would say cut out the workouts or at worst, ask your OB about working out...everything I have ever read says to take it easy if your bleeding worsens. You had a MAJOR event down there in the uterus, you need to let it heal. I think esp lifting weights. My locchia took a while to let LEAST 5 weeks. They say "10 days" in the baby books which I think is crap. Although, my second kid, it was quicker than with the first.

Don't worry about the weight, it will drop off fast, esp that you were in shape when you had the baby. I've had two kids, worked out both times, and I labors were so fast! And I lost much of my weight fairly quickly, in the first 4 months or so. I'll bet you lose that last 25 lbs by the time you are 4 or 5 months post partum. It will drop without you having to do too much mega "fat burning workouts" like a nonpregnant person trying to lose 25 lbs, so don't worry. Eat to hunger. If you are nursing, you will need to eat more, and you will be starving! I don't think it would necessarily take 9 months to get it all off, but cut yourself that much slack if it does take that long. Everybody is different. My aerobics instructor (who is so RIPPED! abs and more even after 4 kids, very motivational) said it took her a year....

I think the more in shape you are/lower weight when you start out...the more you seem to gain when you get pregnant.

Congrats on your healthy pregnancy and babe!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-02 AT 12:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello again, guys.

Remember how they tell you to "push through the pain" during delivery? Well I decided to "work out through the bleeding!" Funny thing is, it looks like it's working! (PLEASE NOTE that I'm laughing as I'm saying this, as it has been about SIX weeks now and I really felt ready! If there had been any concerns, I WOULD have called my OB.)

I've worked out now six days, and I'm feeling much better...and the "lochia" is subsiding! I didn't have anything "major" down below...just four stitches (which, if you compare to many of my girlfriends, means I got off EASY!). I'm even starting to do some more difficult maneuvers like full push ups and lower abs!

My six-week checkup is Monday, and I'm ready! Sure, I'm still about 24 lbs. away from my "ideal" of 140, but at least I'm re-building strength...which is really important to me.

And as far as clothes go, I "gave in" and went to Target (just LOVE that store) and bought a few pairs of "regular" shorts with elastic waistbands that I can happily wear now AND at my ideal weight. (I DO have my eyes on two really cute workout outfits that I intend to buy myself as a "reward" for getting back to normal, however! I can't wait!!)

:) Meecher

P.S. Susan, you and I were "due date buddies," too, as I remember! When did you have yours? Alex arrived May 19.

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