Hello, Everyone


:) Hi, I just purchased my first step and it came with a Cahte video called all step. I bought it because I have recieved the collage vido catalog and heard so many good things about Cathe, the video being included in the step package convinced me to buy it. I am in the middle of losing 35 pounds, I have lost ten but have hit a plateu, does anyone out there have some suggestions or other videos that might help push me through this? Any help would be gretly appreciated.
Hi Anie

Just to say welcome and congradulations on the weight loss

Youll get great info and support here - looking forward to talking to you

Hi Anie. I would recommend getting Cathe's beginner/intermediate step workout! You can never go wrong with Cathe.

Hi and welcome Anie. I recommend the body blast series.In this series you have step,hi/low, kickboxing, weight training and an awesome lower body workout: legs and glutes. As Susan says you can never go wrong with Cathe.Welcome.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Thank-you! I can't belive I got such quick reponses! I just did the video all step and it was awsome I'll be sure to get the videos that you recommended. I really appreciate your help.there's nothing like a new piece of equipment or video to keep you motivated. Anie
Hi Anie, Welcome to the forums-you'll love it here. Hey, if you thought All Step was good (and I agree) wait till you try some of the newer stuff - The music is amazing and sooo motivating!

Congrats on your weight loss-what a HUGE accomplishment!:)

Mariangeles is right - the BodyBlast series would be a good one to start with. I also recommend Cardio and Weights and High Step Circuit. In fact, I loaned them to a friend new to Cathe and didn't think she was going to give them back she liked them so much. She ordered them and the entire Hardcore Series all at once!:)

I also agree with the statement that you can't go wrong with Cathe. You'll soon be addicted like me and want all her stuff.

Did you check out her video clips yet to help you decide?

Make sure you are including strength training as part of your program. Have to have cardio, have to have strength, have to have a clean diet.

HI Anie, My only tip is that if you have been an exercise enthusiast for several years, don't be shy about getting any advanced exercises. You can easily modify while you improve your cardiac fitness and I don't think it will be too long. Plus I'm trying to
save you money. That way, you can get more tapes from her.:)

Hi Anie,

Welcome to Cathe...so glad you're here with us. That step will turn out to be one of the best purchases you've ever made for yourself.;-)

I recommend the S&H series & the Pyramids.

Have fun,
Ruth:) :)
Welcome, Anie! I'll let other people suggest, since I've just now started back using Cathe's videos. Congrats on your ten lbs.

Lee Anne
Hi Anie - welcome aboard. Have you incorporated weight training into your routine? That will help super-charge your metabolism. Also, take a look at your diet. If you've cut TOO many calories, you won't lose because your body is going to be holding on to what it's got (it thinks it's starving).

How long have you been on your journey?
Hi donna, thanks, I have started incorporating weights into my routine by doing the firm, But I really was looking for more cardio like cathe's and I think I have hit the jackpot with these tapes, as they have a good cardio with some weights. I have only done the cardio but I loved it. I have been on my journey about two months or a little more but I really started getting serious in the last six weeks. I have heard about notstarving your body and it makes alot of sense. I'm here for the long haul so, the support is so wonderful. my birthday is in february so I'm setting goals for that. Annette
The Firm - bleah! Cathe's weight workouts are SO much better. I started with The Firm and once I got Maximum Instensity Cardio and MI Weights, THAT's when I starte seeing the major results. 10 lbs. in 2 months is great! That's the way to do it, slooooowly. It's much healthier for you.

When I started back up in my workouts (this August), I needed (really, wanted) to lose 15 lbs. My first month - I think the scale said I lost 2. I was SO bummed every time I weighed myself. But then I saw that my clothes were fitting better, so I knew the scale didn't mean squat.

Keep coming to the forum, everyone is very supportive here and wants to see you reach your goals!
The Firm - bleah! Cathe's weight workouts are SO much better. I started with The Firm and once I got Maximum Instensity Cardio and MI Weights, THAT's when I starte seeing the major results. 10 lbs. in 2 months is great! That's the way to do it, slooooowly. It's much healthier for you.

When I started back up in my workouts (this August), I needed (really, wanted) to lose 15 lbs. My first month - I think the scale said I lost 2. I was SO bummed every time I weighed myself. But then I saw that my clothes were fitting better, so I knew the scale didn't mean squat.

Keep coming to the forum, everyone is very supportive here and wants to see you reach your goals!

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