Hello All!


Well, since I've been posting now and not just lurking, I thought I'd better introduce myself "formally"! I am 28 and live in PA with my hubby Bryan (of 5 years) and three weiner dogs. I work as an Exec. Asst. during the day and work at a local restaurant at night. I've been working out with Cathe for about a year now. When I first started, I lost 15 pounds and was doing great. Then summer came and I started to slack off. By early fall, I was back to my starting weight (plus a few). Now, I am determined more than ever to get it back off and keep it off! I'm 7 lbs down so far and have about another 18 before I'm where I want to be. I would be happy to lose 10 though! 18 is more the "master" plan.

I used to be very active in high school & college. Played Volleyball, Soccer (goalie in college), and was involved in competitive Figure Skating through most of my childhood. Then I graduated from college, got married, and became a competitive "desk potato". I am so glad to have found Cathe's videos. Before her, I thought all instructors were annoying - all smiley, perky, and bouncy and full of a lot of sugary encouragement. I love Cathe's style of instructing - just the right blend of upbeat encouragement without being totally patronizing!

My biggest struggle is FOOD! I am working on eating clean and trying to get my husband to start eating clean. He had a boss point out to him that he was starting to "fill out" (i.e. get a gut), so he may be coming around to eating clean very soon now! Anyways, love talking to you all and reading your posts! :)

Good to have you on board. These forums have an educated crowd to help you with just about anything.

Congratulations on your weight loss, and deciding to become healthier.

Keep posting, would love to hear from you again.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Thank you for the welcome everyone!

Just wanted to mention something before I got a bunch of instructors mad at me! ;) I was thinking of one instructor in particular on tv that used to annoy me soooo bad when I tried to do her workouts. I didn't want to mention the name on my post, so I was just generic. Didn't want anyone to think I was bashing all gym instructors though by saying I used to think they were annoying before I tried Cathe's videos!!! ;-) That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Hi Liann,
I have started posting a couple times as well over the past two weeks after just lurking around for a long time. I couldn't help but notice the couple similarities between us. I'm 30 years old and live in MI with my husband Ryan of 5 years (been together 11 years) and two weiner dogs. We had 3 doxies until last April when we lost our oldest boy Doc (he was 8 yrs old) to disc disease. It's still heartbreaking to think about it...they definitely become part of the family. My husband and I got him together, he was our first :) What color are your doxies? Long, short or wire haired? We have two
black & tan, Tanner is short hair and Tucker is long hair.

I've been working out with Cathe for a couple years after discovering her on FitTV. I agree with you when it comes to Cathe's style of instructing...she's so motivating :) I used to work out at the gym until they closed down last year. I thought I was in trouble after that but Cathe has helped me tremendously :)

My husband is in the process of losing his gut. I'm so proud of him and his dedication. He was at his heaviest when he started back in early December now he's so svelte :) I told him that he needs to stop losing because his pants are soon going to fall to the floor :D

Hopefully we can both help each other step out of our shells a bit and start posting more often. The people here are so welcoming and fun.

Take Care,
Wow Liann, a figure skating soccer player. Neat. It's nice to meet you. I think I read somewhere that you are not to far from Gettysburg. DH and I met at a small Penn State branch campus down that-a-way. Mont Alto. Ever heard of it?
>Wow Liann, a figure skating soccer player. Neat. It's nice to
>meet you. I think I read somewhere that you are not to far
>from Gettysburg. DH and I met at a small Penn State branch
>campus down that-a-way. Mont Alto. Ever heard of it?

Yes, I have heard of it. :D Only about 40 minutes from my house actually, although I haven't been there myself. I am originally from Millersville, MD, just south of Baltimore, MD. Moved up here a year after getting married because my husband wanted to "live in the country!" ;-)
>Hi Liann,
>I have started posting a couple times as well over the past
>two weeks after just lurking around for a long time. I
>couldn't help but notice the couple similarities between us.
>I'm 30 years old and live in MI with my husband Ryan of 5
>years (been together 11 years) and two weiner dogs. We had 3
>doxies until last April when we lost our oldest boy Doc (he
>was 8 yrs old) to disc disease. It's still heartbreaking to
>think about it...they definitely become part of the family. My
>husband and I got him together, he was our first :) What color
>are your doxies? Long, short or wire haired? We have two
>black & tan, Tanner is short hair and Tucker is long hair.
>I've been working out with Cathe for a couple years after
>discovering her on FitTV. I agree with you when it comes to
>Cathe's style of instructing...she's so motivating :) I used
>to work out at the gym until they closed down last year. I
>thought I was in trouble after that but Cathe has helped me
>tremendously :)
>My husband is in the process of losing his gut. I'm so proud
>of him and his dedication. He was at his heaviest when he
>started back in early December now he's so svelte :) I told
>him that he needs to stop losing because his pants are soon
>going to fall to the floor :D
>Hopefully we can both help each other step out of our shells a
>bit and start posting more often. The people here are so
>welcoming and fun.
>Take Care,

Hi Chastity! It does sound like we have a lot in common!
:D I have a black and tan weiner dog named Dakota, a red one named Cheyenne, and a black and tan w/ some grey dapple named Montana. They are all standards with smooth coats. Each one looks different though. Dakota has slightly longer legs than the others so we call him our "whose your daddy" dog. Cheyenne on the other hand has the smallest legs I've ever seen! She has absolutely no clearance! Montana is the longest. He looks like the slinky dog on Toy Story - loooong. We are so attached to them, I think my hubby would have to go to therapy if anything happened to Dakota. That is his baby and it was our first dog together! Dakota & Chey are 4 yrs. old and Montana is 3.

My hubby Bryan has been in the process of "building a gut"! He has always been really thin, but his eating habits and lack of exercise are starting to slowly take a toll. He was really freaked out when his boss noticed his gut! Lol! He's been working out with me a little here and there though. He always tries to be macho though and say that it's too easy - when really he's barely keeping up with Cathe!

I agree with you that the people here have been really great! I think posting here and checking in will really help me stay on target. It gives me some "accountability" in a way. I really want to get my weight counter down to saying 25 lbs lost! :D
Hello, nice to meet you. :)

I'm also been a sometimes-Cather exercise, sometimes poster, who is now here to stay and hopefully post. Congrats on your dedication to fitness. I know with two jobs it must be very challenging to fit it in. That's what got me. :)

See you around. :)

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