"Heavy" wieghts?


Hi!! I was thinking of starting a heavy weight rotation - probably SH. How do I know what is heavy enough? I know what is heavy for me may not be for you and may feel like a ton for the next person. So how do I know when I've hit it right? If I'm going slower, its going to feel like more work, so then in reality do I need to lighten up a bit?

For example, if I am doing biceps, then 12 lbs are just right for 2 set of 12 using a 2 count up and 2 count down. The last couple reps I am tired but can finish. If I bump up to 15 lbs, then I can get about a set and a half of 2 counts. If I slow down to 6 count then I'm toasted by then end of 1 set with the 12's. So then would 12's be the "heavy" that I'm looking for in this particular case? I'm so confused

Thanks for any insights


finding the right weight is the hardest part. you need to find a weight that fatigues you to the point that your last rep is extremely hard and you have to give it everything you got to make it. it took me a few time thru with SH to find that weight. Since the rep count is slower i did have to actually lighten my weight a bit to match the number of reps cathe was doing. good luck. lifting heavy is a great change of pace.

I agree with above poster. There's a lot of experimentation involved in finding the right weight for you. Nothing we can tell you can eliminate the need for that experimentation.

If you can do one set of the bicep curls with the 15 pound dumbells at the slow mo pace, then good! Do that one set. For the second set, drop to the 12's, then stay with the 12s or drop to 10's for the third set. Make a note at the end of each set of the weight used.

Over the next few weeks, you will find that you can do half of the second set and then all of the second set also with the 15 pound dumbells. Eventually, you will make all three sets possible with the 15's.

I actually disagree with the prevailing wisdom. I find it a lot easier to lift slow and heavy than to lift at a faster, endurance pace. So, my bicep curl weight will be 15 pounds and I can do all three sets at that weight, but when the pace is speeded up, I can't manage the same weight and have to lighten.

So, you may be surprised at what you can achieve very soon. I have always found that I make very rapid progress with the slow mo pace of training and do not lighten my weights much or for long.


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