Cathe, I know you are away for the weekend, but if I don't ask now I'll forget what my question was! ha ha!!
I was wondering.....in your own personal workouts, NOT videos that you make for your adoring fans.....if you are doing a heavy-weights rotation, do you go really really heavy, say for squats? I hope I'm not being too nosy or out-of-line....but your legs look fabulous and I was curious if you work them heavy, or do you stick to the 35-50-ish pounds as in your leg workouts on video? I guess what I'm asking is, what is your own personal leg routine? Do you do a heavy-weight rotation for 8 or 12 weeks, followed by a lighter-weight rotation, etc.?
I had been following BFL and going very heavy (for me) on squats...like squatting my body weight..but not really seeing much happening with the looks of my legs. Then today, I tried your Leaner Legs tape for the first time, thinking what a light-weight I was for using 35 lbs., and it whupped my behind!!!!
So now I'm just so confused, about heavy/slow or lighter weights, more reps.....what do you do personally and what do you recommend?
Thanks and again, I hope this isn't prying too much into your personal space. If it is, I apologize in advance!
Thanks again for your wonderful videos----Debbie
I was wondering.....in your own personal workouts, NOT videos that you make for your adoring fans.....if you are doing a heavy-weights rotation, do you go really really heavy, say for squats? I hope I'm not being too nosy or out-of-line....but your legs look fabulous and I was curious if you work them heavy, or do you stick to the 35-50-ish pounds as in your leg workouts on video? I guess what I'm asking is, what is your own personal leg routine? Do you do a heavy-weight rotation for 8 or 12 weeks, followed by a lighter-weight rotation, etc.?
I had been following BFL and going very heavy (for me) on squats...like squatting my body weight..but not really seeing much happening with the looks of my legs. Then today, I tried your Leaner Legs tape for the first time, thinking what a light-weight I was for using 35 lbs., and it whupped my behind!!!!
So now I'm just so confused, about heavy/slow or lighter weights, more reps.....what do you do personally and what do you recommend?
Thanks and again, I hope this isn't prying too much into your personal space. If it is, I apologize in advance!
Thanks again for your wonderful videos----Debbie