Heavy Bag Workout

Cathe, I hear you are going to be doing a Mixed Martial Arts DVD. Can you PLEASE add a heavy bag option also. I cannot find ANY DVDs that incorporate a heavy bag. I did a heavy bag workout at a gym that mixed the heavy bag with boot camp type exercises - jump rope, mountain climbers, etc. It was a GREAT workout. I came home and bought the gloves and heavy bag and then can't find any workout videos to use with it. I have looked everywhere - they are either for real boxers or they don't have any. Billy Blanks has one sort of that uses a bag he made but I can watch it and use my heavy bag but that is the ONLY one that I have found. It is really needed and I saw that in your new product line you will have boxing gloves. This would be a GREAT way to sell those boxing gloves.

If you are not going to incorporate it - do you know of any DVDs out there that I may have missed. However, you are my favorite instructor. I have lost 41 pounds eating healthy and doing a variety of your videos.:)

Nella B. Anderson
Not Cathe, but I think she was supposed to have a bag workout in the future:) While you are waiting for Cathe. You might try realkickboxing.com I have had my eye on that set. Amy Bento has a 6 minute bonus bag segment on her Kickbox Extreme workout. I have The Pit which is two workouts involving the bag and one total body that does not use the bag. I have only done the lower one so far. I think Tracey Staehle is supposed to have some heavy bag work in Strike Zone but you would have to check that one out. I ordered it because she mentioned it on her forums. Good luck finding one. I bet when Cathe does get one it will be great:)

I've had a punching bag for over a year now and am so very ready for this workout. Cathe is popular and she is making so many DVD's, I think I'm going to have to be patient. You can use it like a heavy bag can't you?


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Hi Nella,

Not sure how you feel about Tae Bo, but Billy Blanks has two tapes. Unfortunately, they only come in "VHS". They are called Tae Bo Impact. These are heavy-bag workouts. I bought mine a couple of years ago from Amazon, for about $5. and they were brand new. These are great tapes for getting some use out of your heavy bag :)
Oops, I apologize. I thought this was the open forum, or I wouldn't have talked about another instructor's workout. Please accept my apology Cathe and SNM.
That is such a great idea. Cathe would have an awesome workout if she would do it. I have never seen her use a heavy bag though. I too have a heavy bag and like you cannot find many heavy bag DVD’s. Michael Olidije does have a good one called Everlast Boxing Workout. Get the advanced workout though. But I have also been able to incorporate the heavy bag into all of the other kickboxing videos of Cathe’s that I have. I actually kick it in place of the air too. But, I have a large room where my bag is hanging. I feel like I have accomplished something after a heavy bag workout. Working with impact does change the workout, intensity and CALORIE BURN and I just love it.

Please Cathe give us a heavy bag workout!

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