Hello again, Zel! Hilarious stories about the Dawgs!
I still hold the title of Ranking Klutz of the Cathe Forums, so I hear ya on the choreography issue. If you are willing to contemplate some Cathe cardio dvds, consider those that are based on athletic-style drills rather than tie-yourself-in-a-knot choreography:
Boot Camp (the original, on the same disc as Muscle Endurance);
Drill Max (a stand-alone disc, with generally the same circuit set-up as Boot Camp);
the 4-Day Split Series for its Boot Camp workout; my friend, you haven't even learned how to spell "heart rate" until you do this one. 12 drills and you're dripping by #2. There is some brief step involved but don't let that spook you;
Kick Max, for its Blast Challenge - 15 minutes containing 10 drills, all tough, all drill and no dance.
What is interesting about Drill Max is that Cathe produced it and performed it several months after she herself had knee surgery for a long-standing problem that suddenly popped; the mix of the low-to-the-ground and high-off-the-ground cardio drills are great, IMHO, for keeping the knees in shape.
Again, just some suggestions. HTH -