If you set your heart rate monitor for your age and your in decent shape, that should be a pretty close estimate as to how high you want to do, as you never want to go over 80% of your max heart rate. Just take 220 subtract it from your age, then multiply it by 80% and then by 60%, you should stay some where between 60% and 80% for fat loss and burning calories.
Now if your going over your 80% heart rate, you really need a an easier video, you are really stressing your heart a lot, and it won't affect you now, but wait about 10 to 15 years, and you'll have all sort of heart problems and will actually be sitting on the couch instead of exercising because you wore the wall of your heart too thin. Or too thick and if you workout it will kill you. I've seen a few members at the gym actually do this to themselves and after a few years, they age like 10 years all at once almost all of them look close to 60 and most are in their early 40s.
If you can't talk on the phone while working out, your working too hard. You should be able to repeat everything Cathe says and not be winded or gasping for breath.
I know must want to lose weight but killing yourself to do it, really isn't the best way. Keep in your range and try to stay in that range threw the whole workout that's where you'll burn the most calories and fat. The longer you can keep going in your range without taking breaks etc, that's where you'll be burning up that fat like wild fire. You go higher and you actually get less benifits as well as causing yourself a big risk. Just like dring a car, most of us speed a little, but most of us don't do 120 in a 55. Your body is a lot like the car, your car won't last very long if you push the gas pedal down and make the speed meter run all the way up and if you keep it there for a a period of time every day, you'll develop a lot of problems with your car. It's the same for your body, if you go over your max and do it frequently, you will give yourself a lot of problems in the future, and you may think 10 years is a long time and you won't care about having problems then. It's not a long time. Look how fast the last 10 yeas of your life has went and think back 10 years ago when yu thought your current age was old. Well now that you reached it, do you think it is old? You won't think it's old when you reach the next 10 either.
If you don't want to wear a heart monitor, then talk, talk the whole time you workout, and when it starts to get hard to talk drop the intensity down. It's okay to push once in a while but you never ever want to push it more then 85% of your heart rate, and you only want to keep it there for 5 minutes or less.
But one of the best monitors is talking, it tells you if your working too hard, and you don't have to keep looking down at something. As not everyone can stay between 60% - 80% when they are getting into the heart rate thing. And if that's you, base it off on talking. I know some feel like they haven't got a good workout if they still can talk, but if you can't your heading into dangerous waters, and waters you really don't wnat to be in. They aren't fun, they cause a lot of pain and a lot of hardships. As it's nothing to blow a valuve of your heart at any age if you workout too hard, for too long. And do you really want to have open chest surgrey? Or be a canidate for it? Just use your brain and use common sense, your taking care of yourself by working out, but you still got to take care of yourself while you work out. Trust me you don't want to end up like those people who worked out too hard for too long. They always look sick they never seem to feel good, and they have no energy. They just are not the person they were and it's really sad, and heart breaking at times.