Heart Rate Monitor Question


Ok, so I got myself a HRM a few months ago (Polar F4) and LOVE it! At first I was just going by actual heart beat, but decided to change it to read the percentage of max/min. I have it set so that my min. heart rate is 66% and maximum is 100% and every time I workout it seems to read that I'm at 85-95%. If I go below that I'm barely breaking a sweat and don't feel like I'm working out at all. Last night while I was doing 4DS Bootcamp during the suicide drill it read that I was at 100%. (Yes, I was dyin!) Is that bad? Is it ok to not work as hard so that I'm at 70% or so?

Does this post make any sense? Or do I sound like a complete rambling moron?.....


Check out this link:

I like this method of HR training.

I do go higher than 80% (% as defined by the Karvonen method), but only in short blasts (interval workouts) and make sure to recover to less than 80% before going again. 65-80 is where I like to work the most.

ETA: Here's another link that allows you to put in your max HR if you know it and gives an example of when you'd be in which zone.

HR is such a tricky thing!!! First, the 220-your age is a very general equation, and may provide a ballpark for the average person. But if you exercise on regular basis, you are far from average (in regards to lifestyle habits AND fitness level), which means the 220-your age is not valid for you.

There are ways to determine your true HR max. You could do a VO2Max test but that could run you some $$$. For myself, I see what my highest HR was during a 5K race, then add 5. If you do a search, surely you can find other "test yourself" methods.

About working out at 100%...no you should not. It is more destructive than healthful, very damaging to the heart. Stay below 90%, that being your max, to avoid too much break down on your aerobic system.

Don't disregard lower HR workouts. Those do way more for your aerobic fitness than anything else.

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