Heard of toning tables?


Have any of you heard, seen or used toning tables at a gym?

If so, what exactly are they? Are they effective? And which gyms use them?

I "buddy with" a woman on another forum who's trying to lose weight, and she's found some info on a place that uses toning tables and she claims there are a series of these tables that work a specific body part and you're guaranteed to lose inches without breaking a sweat.
I don't like to be a "nay-sayer" unless I know what I'm talking about, but I never heard of these things, plus if you can't spot reduce, and you're not breaking a sweat, then how are you burning fat?
I thought if anyone could give me info on this it would be someone here. And is this something she should "go for" or should I tell her, "save the bucks and invest in Cathe?"

I'd hate for her to spend the money and the time and then get no results and become frustrated and give up on her weight loss goals. So any feedback or personal experiences with this is appreciated. Oh, and I should mention she isn't obese, because under those circumstances I know that almost any movement can produce some weight loss and inches loss. She's I believe about 30-50lbs overweight, so I'm not really seeing where this sort of thing is going to help her? But maybe there's more to this than I'm seeing?

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 07:54AM (Est)[/font][p]Yes I have heard of them most gyms here don't have them but alot of "clinics" have them.

You do lose "inches" on them as you do with body wraps and things, but the effect is short term as you are not 1. actually burning calories, 2. you can't spot reduce.

I remember most times when they are used it is often a quick fix 'you know your going out tonight and what to wear that dress and you tummy to look a flatter'.

For long term weightloss I have not heard anyone using them as part of their weightloss programme so therefore cannot give you any results. Sorry, but like I say short term fine longterm I would go for changing healthy eating (bad word diet don't know how it slipped in there) and exercise.

I would agree with you Donna get her to invest in Cathe.

Thanks Babs,

I'm going to "try" and convince her to check out this forum before investing her money in this "gym." She says it's $45. for 3 months, so it's not so costly that she probably thinks it's worth it, but if the effects aren't long term, then I really think it will only become frustrating!? I mean maybe it's just me, but what's the point of sinking money in something that the results aren't going to be permanent? At least with Cathe, the results are what you make of them!

Somehow, I have a feeling this is going to backfire in my face! You know how it can be when you're trying to convince someone their "million dollar plan" isn't worth "a million dollars!"

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Actually my first membership to a "gym", I use that term very loosely, had those tables only. They were a complete waste of money and my time. I never saw inches lost or lost any weight. All you do is sit on the machine and it does all of the movement for you. The only way to get anything out of them is to really concentrate on the movement and tense the muscles that are supposed to be working. That will take a lot more effort than actually lifting weights and over time she will probably lose interest and stop putting forth the effort. Her money and time would be better spent doing weight training and cardio even if she can only lift a 3 pound weight to begin with. Sitting on a table and letting the machine move your legs up and down, side to side, and in a circular motion will not do anything. Sorry to be so cynical. Just my 2 cents.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 11:23AM (Est)[/font][p]Donna

Gently nudge her if this "gym" does have actual gym equipment i.e. treadmill, rower etc encourage her to use it. Otherwise Kristi will probably be right, and your friend will use it as an excuse as why she can't lose weight (sorry to be so cynical).

Unfortunetly these tables are still advertised as a serious workout equipment but they are nothing of the kind. Remember as my sister always tells me people like minimum effort maximum results quick fixes. They hate being told eat better exercise more and give your body time. It doesn't fit in with the current attitude today.

Its a pity because there are some really good tapes out there to get started on and will help her feel really good about losing weight. Donna you are the best advert I could recommend its a pity she can't see that.

But don't lose your friendship over this if it means something to you encourage her and then let her decide and hopefully in time she may change her mind you never know this might give her the push to get more serious about losing weight.

are they still around???

I remember them from the '80's when I was an undergrad in college (yes, I know that really dates me)! Women couldn't join the real gyms so I joined a women's gym that had several of these rotating tables. They also had those machines with the vibrating belts to shake off fat! They actually had plenty of dumbbells around & a few stationary bikes too but they'd set up a routine around the miracle machines. Heck, I didn't know any better.

Boy, this was a dark era! Jack Lalane was off the air. Thank goodness Jane Fonda came around & got us moving!


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