Healthy Snacks

Tricia Haley

Hi All!

This is to everyone and all are welcome to respond! Since i am held up on my workouts with a sinus infection i thought i would get some advice, info, etc. on what healthy snacks everyone eats that they feel really helps either, after or before a workout, between meals, or something that just gives great energy between meals. I have always struggled in this area because i am hypoglycemic(sp?). I usually have to eat alittle something every 2 hours. Some times when i do a real intense workout i have to eat something right away with high protein or i feel sluggish and could take a nap within 30min of finishing. What i have discovered is not all high protien is low in fat so i am just curious in what everyone eats that they feel works for them. I encourage all to respond even if you dont have hypoglycemia. I like to find different things to try and see how my blood sugar handles it. For me its trial and error. So again, whats your favorate healthy snack. Thanks bunches.
Tricia M.Haley:7 :7 :7
Hmmmm.... I'm not exactly a poster child for quality eating, so I am very interesting in hearing suggestions... But, some of my favorite healthy snacks are Cream of Wheat (not the flavored or instant kind), raw sweet potatoes, Wendy's Chicken BLT salad, apples and natural peanut butter, popcorn popped with your own popper... spray a little bit of cooking spray and add some parmesian cheese. With the cream of wheat, I like to just add a tiny bit of salt, nothing else. The flavored kinds are WAYYYY too artificial and just not good. The raw sweet potatoes are fantastic!! Great texture, very healthy, and sweeter than carrots usually. Wendy's salads are probably more of a meal, but they taste great and are relatively healthy. I don't eat mine with any dressings, because I've always despised dressings, mayonaise, mustard, and anything vinegary... But they're good enough to eat without.

Hope that helps some. :)

Tricia: If you're hypoglycemic, the most important thing to remember when snacking is to anchor any carb you eat with a protein. By doing this, you'll prevent that insulin rush that can make you feel terrible. Proteins and low-glycemic carbs will provide you with a slower, steadier supply of energy and will even help control your appetite so you don't go crazy at the next meal. Some suggestions to try are:
- some Wasa Rye Crisp crackers with a small amount of cheese;
- some low-fat graham cracker squares with lite cream cheese (for whatever reason, graham crackers have a low glycemic index--I'm not complaining);
- a baked sweet potato with low-fat pineapple cottage cheese (this can be a big snack or a small lunch);
- low-fat, non-sugar-sweetened yogurt;
- a slice of 100% stone ground whole grain bread with 1 Tbs. natural peanut butter (not regular whole wheat bread; make sure it is 100% whole grain);
- add 1 Tbs. all fruit spread to the previous snack, cut the bread in half, and you have half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (okay, so it's not Jiff on Wonder bread, but work with me here);
- an apple with 1 Tbs. natural peanut butter or 1 oz. cheddar cheese.

These are just some suggestions to try. You can get all kinds of info on glycemic index by searching the web and then come up with some more protein/carb combos. Try to keep your carbs low g-index and always have them with a bit of protein. A little bit of fat is okay, too, if you watch the portion size and use them as preventative measures. A little bit at snack time can help keep your appetite from surging later on, and as a result, you'll wind up eating less fat in the long run. I'm also hypoglycemic, and this has helped me tremendously. Good luck!
I love to take a slice of lean smoked turkey breast and roll a slice of fat free american cheese and some spinache leaves up in it - it tastes great, is a good protein source and very filling!
Hi Tricia. I am also hypoglycemic. I have the same problem as you... I get hungry right after a great workout. One of my favorite after workout snacks is a piece of toast with natural peanut butter and some honey. I always try to make my after workout snack high in protein. It seems to stay with me longer and control my sugar sooner. I also eat a hard boiled egg or scrambled egg and a piece of toast. Both quick and easy to make. I sometimes have a slim fast "shake". I'm not sure how healthy they are for you, but anyways. I get the chocolate powder with soy protein. I put 1/2 cup of chocolate soy milk in a blender and one T. natural peanut butter and blend. Then I add 1 scoop of the slim fast and blend again. I also add 3 ice cubes and a banana if I have one. It is sooo yummy. I used to do a whole cup of soy milk and two scoops of powder and peanute butter, but I'm sure it has a lot of calories and I wasn't hungry for hours, which was screwing up my eating 5 times a day plan. Not sure how healthy they are, but very yummy. I have my doubts about how healthy slim fast is. Another one of my favorites is a banana with peanut butter. It gets into my system very fast as well. Peanut butter always works great for me with my sugar. I don't know how severe your sugar problem is. Mine is not that bad anymore. My dad's is terrible. He is actually becoming a diabetic. His has always been awful. I have been luckier, although I have been hitting the easter candy a little too much and I am feeling it....a little sluggish and a slight headache...when will I ever learn? The snack suggestions posted above mine were great. I will have to make them down. Hope I helped a bit.

Thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for the GREAT ideas! Glad to know i have some other "glycemic" sisters out there.:7 The other ? i would pose to you all would be, Do you find having hypoglycemia makes it harder to lose weight? I still am struggling with 25 pounds i would like to lose but i feel every time i reduce my calorie intake i get extremely tired. Thanks again and if anyone has anymore snack ideas "DO TELL".

Hi Tricia-

One of my favorite snacks is 100% whole wheat bread with cottage cheese on top. Quick, easy and high in protein. In the afternoon, I like a small bowl of peanuts in the shell. Takes longer to eat because I have to crack them and the peanuts fill me up.

Just a few ideas...

Take care.

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