Healthy Eeating 10/01/2004


Good morning everybody :) ,

I know that Rhonda isn't here today, so I am starting the healthy thread today.

4:30 am Leaner Legs (yikes, my legs feel already leaner }( )

B - Bran-A-Crisp with cheese and a protein shake

S - Cottage Cheese with apple

L - don't know yet

S - maybe Nuts

D - don't know yet

We are going out of town, but I will pack some fruit and vegetables and hopefully will be able to make healthy choices this weekend x( .

I hope that everybody will have a wonderful and relaxing weekend and I see you all Monday. ;)

Kristine :) :) :)

5:30 am - Legs & Glutes and LL abs.

B- coffee, Myoplex Lite Shake
S1 - yogurt
L - ?
S2 - apple, cheese
D - ? (have to work late) - maybe soup
S3 - Myoplex Lite Shake

Tomorrow is Power Circuit and more of the above. Sunday is my free day, yogurt and pizza.

Have a great weekend.
Shopgirl :)
Helloooo there!

Today's eats:
Extra lean turkey bacon, hard boiled egg, WW toast
Extra lean turkey bacon, hard boiled egg, oatmeal
Smart Ones Low Carb Parmesan Chicken with canned corn
Grilled chicken, corn tortillas, ff cheese, salsa
Chicken, brown rice, veggies
Cottage cheese, fruit

Workout; Cardio at lunch today. Got my UBWO in yesterday after work so I'm one day ahead of schedule! On a down side, I splurged and had a Mike's Hard Lemonade and a handful of milk duds jumped into my mouth! Feeling bloated today!

My eats:

1 whole egg and 1 white - sunny side up with hot sauce.
Oatmeal with cottage cheese and slice of bread with low fat cheese.
Grilled chicken with mushrooms, peppers and 2 tomatoes with ranch dressing
Elev8me Bar - no sugar (
Dinner---going out--will be a baked calzone with lots of veggies and chicken...yum!!!!
Well, I started out OK, but then...

Took a good run/walk for an hour and 10 minutes. Did a segment of Ab Hits.

Had a nice bowl of wheat chex, banana and skim milk.

Then I got to work and there was chocolate there.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm usually not drawn in too easily, so I guess I must have "needed???" it??? yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses.

Well, I'm going to have a very Cathe weekend, along with some outdoor activities, so I can burn off the guilt.

The road to hell is sometimes paved with good intentions...or paved with chocolate:p

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