Healthy Eating Checkin 2/21/05


Morning everyone,

Did GS BSB this morning.

The weekend was horrible with eating so it is time to get back on track today.

B - cottage cheese w/yogurt
S - Balance Go Mix
L - big salad w/ shrimp
S - BFL bar
D - either spaghetti or pork chops

Hope everyone has a nice day.

My eating this weekend was horrible, too! Last night I had a huge plate of lasagna with garlic bread. It was so good, but so bad for me.

Today will be MIS lower body and S&H Biceps.

1 - oatmeal, skim milk, slice of ham
2 - slice of ham, slice of turkey, half a sweet potato
3 - chicken breast, spinach salad
4 - protein shake with frozen blueberries (yum!)
5 - salmon, broccoli

6 am - PUB. Eating was loose for me over the weekend as well.

B - coffee
S - protein shake
L ?
S - yogurt
D - veal, vegetables

Weight is not moving. I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

- Shopgirl
I'm so excited to be starting back to healthy eating again today after having the flu. I have to admit that there were some milkshakes consumed, along with some other really bad stuff--but hey, whatever makes you feel better when you're miserable!!!

9:00am--20 minute jog on treadmill and segment from Ab Hits

B--high fiber cereal with splenda and blueberries
S--1/2 protein bar
L--veggie burger patty w/green beans and sf jello
D--big salad with tuna and yogurt for dessert

Have a great day!!

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