

What do you guys think of these gizmos for cardio workouts?

My brother lost a lot of weight using one, however, it was his first experience with exercise (other than baseball and softball). Since I am used to exercise, would one of these pieces of equipment be a decent workout for me? I love the non-impact aspect of it. Also the fact that I could push it in front of the tv whenever I wanted is nice. I have a stairmaster which I love, but feel the need to have another piece of equipment.

Note: You might need to know that I am not as advanced as most people on here, 1/2 of IMAX and MIC absolutely kills me. Thought you might need to know that.

Just my personal experience, but I had one and it became an expensive dust gatherer. Unless there is a newer model I'm not familiar with, the Healthrider doesn't allow you to progress, except by doing more time on it. I'm not a "workout machine" person in the first place, so I may not be the best judge of fun/motivational factors.
I one that I used for a long time before I gave it to my son - it built up my back muscles like you wouldn't believe! I was able to load mine up with weights. I would alternate the Health Rider with walking. I love mechanical equipment with no plugs or computers - that's why I like my Airdyne Bike.

That's my opinion - I liked it.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Lisa, I bought a knock-off brand at Sports Authority, I want to say it was called Cardio Glide. It was cheaper than the healthrider & had a thingy on it to tighten up the tension so the ride got harder. However, I have low back problems and found that the stretching that I had to do was very painful.

I liked it because it was quiet & light so I could move it to in front of the tv & do it while watching tv.

I lost about 5 lbs using it. And I felt like my lower abs and legs got a great workout. I didn't get anything in my upper body except smaller boobs (that's where I lose weight first).

I'm ready to take the next step!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-02 AT 08:05AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Lisa,

I found this VERY ironic--on my way home from grocery shopping yesterday, I found a Cardio Glide (the cheap knockoff brand of HealthRider) sitting on the street corner. REALLY!!! DH was with me, driving his truck. Was this an omen? I made him stop & load it into the truck.

I brought it home, cleaned it off & did 2 minutes on it this morning. Yes, 2 minutes. At the end of 1 minute I was sweating & out of breath. By the end of 2, I felt like my arms & legs would fall off!

I consider myself an advanced exerciser--I can do 45 minutes of IMax & Circuit Max (why don't we call that CMax?). I can do all of the sit & stands with weight in PS-Strong Legs & Abs. I did ALL of Body Max on Thanksgiving morning & didn't feel like I was going to die that evening--at least not from the workout.

I'm going to try to keep this thing this time. I've been rehabbing my back & can stretch it more than I could when I got rid of the CG before. I figure if I can work myself up to 20 minutes a day again, I'll be doing great things for my body.

How weird is it that I FOUND one on the street corner!!!

Hope this helps you!

I'm ready to take the next step!
Thanks for all the responses ladies. Especially thanks to Gettingfit for letting me know how the new purchase is working. I have the urge to buy a new fitness gadget, it's between a stationary bike and a healthrider/cardio glide type of machine. Not sure which will win! I know one thing, I just can't run outside in cold weather. Don't laugh, I'm in Georgia. I cannot stand cold weather. I can run however, no matter how hot it is.

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