Health issue ?


Active Member
Hi fellow Cathe lovers!

I'll get right to the point, I've recently been diagnosed with 'auto immune hepatitis'. For some unknown reason, my body thinks my liver is something foreign. No known cause. Shocker!! I'd just like to know if anyone else is dealing with this. (???) Any type off hepatitis, for that matter? I went to the Dr. to get something 'minor' checked. Thought I worked out too shoulders, wrists & elbows hurt like hxxx! Blood tests were taken, & this was the result. Any info. would be appreciated :) On the upside, I'm back working out with Cathe & feel great! Thank God!! I also have medications added to my vitamins, which I hope to stop taking asap! Not a lover of any medication x(

Thanks for your replies (& for being my support group)!!
Happy workouts:7
Hey Cherie,
I hope you are feeling better and get all the support and information you need as you deal with this issue. Hugs~
I haven't heard of that one. Did they give you a prognosis or send you to a rheumatologist? Sometimes there are transient conditions such as this that resolve on its own. Did they give you steroids? I sure hope that it resolves itself, there are a couple of web sites you may try, and are good resources. Good luck and I'll send positive liver healing thoughts your way!
Check out Celiac disease/wheat allergies /gluten. This can cause liver problems, as well as autoimmune diseases. It can be treated by diet. It can cause joint pains, FATIGUE, and many other problems (to many to list). Many people have this problem and go undiagnosted. I have it and if I consume wheat or gluten I have major problems! Hope this helps!

Thanks for the information!! I'll check out these resources:) Would you agree that, it seems more & more difficult to find 100% healthy food at a grocery store? MSG, gluten,'s enough to drive you crazy!!}( A lot to be said for being educated!!

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the positive thoughts!! Yes, I've been on prednisone for 3 mo. now--yuck!! Also, added azathioprine (sp?) Frustrating, due to the fact I strive to remain 'medication free'! Of course, my doctors say nothing about vitamins or diet being helpful. That's where my own research & smarts come in. I believe we all need to be proactive about our own health & wellness. I'm sure all Cathe followers agree;) That's why I posted to this very wise group:7
>Check out Celiac disease/wheat allergies /gluten. This can
>cause liver problems, as well as autoimmune diseases. It can
>be treated by diet.

I've just been reading about how allergenic foods (gluten, milk, corn, soy, whatever one reacts to) can encourage auto-immune responses in the body. (A good book to read : Going Against the Grain, it also gives resources for testing for carbohydrate/gluten/wheat sensitivity).

A cheap way to test yourself: do an elimination diet, removing all gluten grains and byproducts (check this out first, because there are MANY foods that contain hidden sources of gluten) and milk products for 2 weeks, see if it helps, then try adding back gluten grains (except wheat) and see if the symptoms return.
Hello Cheri,
A great website is It tells you what happens in the body, causes, and symptoms. Gluten is disguised in many food products. You have to be careful when shopping!! I eat rice bread instead of wheat bread, and I take liquid vitamins/minerals. I sure hope you find an answer to your problem.

Best wishes,
Hi Kathryn,
I haven't read that book, but it sounds like a great book!! I'll have to check that one out! You are so right about gluten being hidden in foods!! Also, the elimination diet is cheap! Thanks for your knowledge and response!!

Your Friend in Fitness,

P.S. I read about your background, and I was alot like you in school "I was not at all athletic, and was one of those 'last one picked for the team in gym class' kids, who bombed the President's Physical Fitness tests!"

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