Health Club with no Step Class



I was inquiring yesterday at a local health club to see if they had a Step Aerobic class. Mostly to see what it was like and if they incorporated weight in the workout. They said they had just lost their teacher and were working on it. I felt like telling them to buy your CTX sense to use. I know they couldn't do that but boy they should. Most people around here don't know how good Videos can be. Especally yours. We need to do more PR work for you on the West Coast. Wish I could help. I will try. Lora

PS How do you get these smilie faces to wink?
Hi Lora!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-00 AT 08:31PM (EST)</font></center>

Thanks! You're such a sweetie

Hi Lora,
I live in Idaho so we are neighbors. I go to a step class at the gym and I let my instructor borrow my Cathe tapes so she can get some good ideas. She won't do the hardest moves and choreography but she gets enough to make her class somewhat similar. I must confess that I had a selfish motive to let her see my tapes because I want her class to be just like Cathes. That way I get Cathe at home and at the gym.

Happy Stepping,

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