HCE #1


I'm getting ready to do this one tomorrow. I'm hoping for a good cardio workout. Has anyone done this one? (It's the HC Extreme with the High Step Challenge). Am I going to get a good workout? Looks good, but...
yes, Christine...yes, yes, yes! It is a fabulous workout! It really MOVES fast from one thing to the other but it is fantastic. Tell me how you like it when you're done :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

WOW!!! What a workout! Fast paced, hard core, a little bit of everything. Just when you think you cannot take any more, you move on. It's kind of like a hard core BootCamp. This is definitely going to become a regular part of my collection! And I SOOO needed it after the Indian food my DH cooked last night! LOL
Christine I did an Ode to Hardcore Extreme a few days back so I can totally see why you are so pumped! Did this workout last Saturday and still am impressed I got through it! Have CIrcuit Max on the schedule for Friday am, not sure if I am up to HC Extreme #1. Perhaps a push from you will inspire me??

Well done on your workout!!!

Thanks Julie! I really do enjoy the HC series. Every time I don't do them for a while, I get reminded, but as I don't have a high step, I never did HCE #1. I have a table (outdoor 15") that I use for leg presses. When I looked at the workout more closely, I realized I could get away with that and my regular step. It was so worth it! The IMax 3 sections are some of the harder ones, and the HSC sections just fit so well with it. I was dripping sweat the whole time (and I workout in the garage so it was chilly). I really enjoyed it.

Now, will I talk you out of doing Circuit Max for HCE1? I don't know. I like Circuit Max, too. It's another hardcore one. I think HCE1 gives a better upper body workout (the circuits don't really do much for me upperbody wise as in order to keep my heart rate under 165, I need to go lighter on the weights!), but it's another of my favorites.

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