HC High Step Challenge


Does anyone know what the Timesavers from Hard Core High Step Challenge have on them or where I can find a run down on them. Are they total body or do they split upper and lower? I am wanting to incorporate this into my workouts and was wondering how.
Diane Sue
Hi Diane Sue. I don't have a list, but they're total body. The longer premix has about 2 exercises per body part; shorter one has roughly one. Both include some cardio. Hope this helps.

Yeah, both premixes are total body. Not too thrilled about it since I like to work in splits. When I only wanted to work upper body, I had to skip all the lower body workouts. Since there are less lower body exercises than UB in this workout, I guess I'll be using the mix&match option. It's okay, I guess... I just wish I didn't have to keep using my remote on this one when splitting upper and lower.

I guess I will have to figure out if it is feasable to change this around. I did the entire workout this morning and felt that changing it too much would alter the cardiovascular end of it. I guess it is what you want it for. Some of the strength training keeps the heartrate elevated past the cardio segments. I almost feel like it should be left as is. I do like how HSTA premixes are formatted with upper, lower and cardio. I am not sure this would be right for this workout. Hmmm
Diane Sue

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