
I have to do this workout on Wednesday. HC Extreme workout of choice. I do not have this one. Would someone be so kind as to give me a breakdown of the workouts on this or a substitution I have almost all of Cathe Dvd's so any suggestions would be great. I was thinking probably terminator, gauntlet or viper. I could be way wrong here.

Thank You

Why do you HAVE to do this particular workout?;-)

I agree with you, that doing Terminator or Gauntlet or Viper would most likely be the closest substitute as far as intensity and length.
>Why do you HAVE to do this particular workout?;-)
>I agree with you, that doing Terminator or Gauntlet or Viper
>would most likely be the closest substitute as far as
>intensity and length.

It was listed for my workout for Wednesday and I don't have the Dvd.

Thank You
>Actually if you do the IMAX Extreme and skip over the weight
>work it would be very similar to the HC Extreme that has the
>High and low impact intervals.

Thank You I think I will give this one a try.


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