Having trouble getting back into shape postpartum


New Member
Hello, I worked out during most of my pregnancy, but had to stop in my 8th month due to a minor complication. After a 4 month hiatus, I have started working out again but it is so hard. I was in such good shape pre-pregnancy but now I can barely do 30 minutes of a Cathe video. I also gained about 50 lbs during my pregnancy and I am trying to get it off but I still have about 25 more lbs. to lose (I am 3 months postpartum). I work out hard 4 days a week for about 11/2 each session and I am watch what I eat (low carb diet, lots of protein). I intend to breastfeed for 6 more months or so. How long does it take to get back into shape? I know the weight will come off in time but I feel like I will never get back to my former fitness level. I struggle to get through each workout session and feel like giving up. It's as if all of my hard work before and during my pregnancy was for nothing. Help!!
I know exactly how frustrated you feel. But keep at it and your hard work will pay off. With all three of my kids, I didn't reach my pre-pregnancy weight until they were 6-7 months old. My body definitely went through stages where I would plateau and no weight would come off for a couple of weeks.
Also, you are probably suffering from lack of sleep, and the physical demands of taking care of a child and nursing, which probably rob you of the energy you used to have. I have found it takes less out of me to do weight work (some days I just can't face doing cardio) so I reduced the amount of cardio and really increased the amount of lifting I do. I think it has benefited my body greatly! I am stronger than ever, and even though I am at my pre-pregnancy weight, my clothes are much looser on me than before.
Just remember to listen to your body - but even more importantly, take time to enjoy your baby. You have the rest of your life to reach your fitness goals, but your baby is only little once.
You can do it!
Hi there!

Here is a response that I gave a few months ago to another person in the same boat. Just know that you are on the right track and don't give up!

I had a baby boy in January (2002). I had gained over 50 pounds on my small 5'0" frame.

In the beginning of July 2002 (7 months post partum), I decided to go on an all Cathe rotation. I probably still had 15-20 pounds to lose. I never compromised or weaseled out of the tough stuff (which I had the tendency to do on occasion) and I gave every single workout everything I had. I cranked up the weights as high as I could muster and even managed to sneak in the occasional ab workout from the Ab Hits video at night after my son went to bed. I gave those infamous planks my all.

In January of this year I received the Intensity Series and did those workouts exclusively for 6 weeks (before I got pregnant again) and saw AMAZING results...especially in my abs.

Bottom line, if you stay focused and work out HARD, the results WILL come. It took me 9 months to get back in my clothes. And remember Cathe's quote..."you'll get so much more out of the exercise if you use mental assistance." I applied that to every single lunge, squat, curl, jump, kick and leap during those months and it made a WORLD of difference. By the time I got pregnant again, I was actually 7 pounds lighter than my prepregnancy weight.

You should REALLY pat yourself on the back for getting back into the swing of things. Be kind and patient with yourself. It’s very demanding to be a mom. Celebrate your accomplishments daily and STICK WITH IT. The results WILL come!

Keep in mind that I didn't have the energy to start working out intensely until 7 months after I had my son. It was a loooooong time until I felt truly recovered and my son was sleeping through the night. Just do what you can, but push yourself harder every single day.

Now I'm 24 weeks pregnant with number two and trying very hard to keep the weight gain within reason and maintain my exercise. So far, I'm doing much better than the first time around but I'm already plotting my comeback.

Best of luck and keep us posted.
RE: Hi there!

Don't worry about your weight. I gained 120 pounds with my son. Can you believe it?? It took me 3 months just to lose 5 pounds. I was breastfeeding, too. Also, I retained A LOT of water after I had my son. My legs were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO swollen I thought they were gonna pop. If you're breastfeeding, you're not going to be able to lose all the weight you want for a while. When I stopped breastfeeding my weight slowly came off and I did light exercises since I didn't work out too much while pregnant. Now a year later, I only have about 15 pounds to lose. It's coming off faster and faster now. Just eat very healthy with a splurge day or two a week or you'd go insane if you don't have a splurge day. My son slept all night which helped a little bit. Even if you only work out 15 min. a day, it's a start. Try to work out 15 min 2 times a day if you can even if it's just walking in place. Trust me, your weight is going to come off before you know it. :eek:)

ALso, I have a question for you ladies, it's possible I might be pregnant and how in the h*ll do you not put on more than 25-35 pounds?? Especially in the beginning of the pregnancy? I don't want to put on more than 40 pounds this time. Thanks!

RE: Hi there!

Hi, I am not pregnant nor have I been for 6.5 years, but with gaining 120 pounds during a pregnancy seems awfully much! Did you have a medical condition like gestational diabetes or was he a really large baby to cause you to gain soo much?:eek: I gained 38 with my first and he was a summer baby, gained 20 with my 2nd and he was summer and over 10 pounds at birth(both of these were 12 days late) and I gained 32 with my youngest and he was close to 11 pounds. I exercised during all 3 pregnancies but did not necessarily watch what I ate, I did not have morning sickness either. In the beginning of a pregnancy is when most ladies lose weight because they can't keep anything down, so I don't really understand putting on alot of weight then. I put most of my weight on during the latter half of the 2nd trimester and then the 3rd trimester. Watch what you eat and don't eat like you are eating for 2 just eat normally. Continue to exercise as long a physically possible.

Congratulations if you are pregnant and I pray that you won't gain as much weight.:)
I really can relate. I had my 3rd three months ago and I have about 20 lbs to lose, 10 of which are from this pregnancy. I didn't workout much during this pg since the other ones (4 and 2) were keeping me so busy.

After "getting my body back" or trying to after each of 3 pregnancies I can tell you I suspect a lot of your frustration is from covering the same ground over again...you aren't gaining a new level of fitness, you are just trying to get back to where you started! It is a bore, I know. Whereas before, it was every day, new territory gained.

But stick with it, focus on the process rather than results...focus on what your fitness regimen does for your stress level and well being rather than weight, and at some point the weight will get to where you want it to be. If you are working out for 1 1/2 h hard, but can't do Cathe more than 30 minutes, what are you doing for the other hour? Just keep working at it. You are I am sure still energy drained from all of the breastfeeding and nightly wakings (I breastfeed mine for a year, and it is so worth it).

Enjoy enjoy ENJOY the new baby. They really REALLY do grow up so fast! I am getting sentimental since my 3 month old is the last one. You have the rest of your life to workout 6 days a week and be 10 percent body fat! Not to give you room to make excuses..but you know, try to keep the perspective.

RE: Hi there!

Dear Lisa,
Thanks for the inspiring story. 120 lbs and only 15 to go that's great. I gained 65 with the first three and lost it all, but with number 4, they found a heart defect and even though I was given permission to exercise, I was so frightened that I quit altogether. Also, I ate a lot out of anxiety, so I gained 80 lbs. After he was born, he had severe eating difficulties, so between pumping my breast-milk, feeding the baby with an NG tube (goes up the nose and down into the stomach), homeschooling and caring for three other kiddos and husband and household, I found no time for exercise. This feeding stuff went on for 9 months before I quit pumping and he began to self-feed. (now he eats very well).
Anyway, I had just found Cathe and got into an exercise routine when we found that we were pregnant with number 5 and me still 30 lbs overweight. I have exercised diligently the whole pregnancy (almost 32 wks), but still have gained about 40 lbs.(the best I've ever done, usually at this point it's a lot more) I get so hungry when I'm pregnant that it is insane, but I have really made an effort to be more "good". I have been wondering if I will ever be my old self again.
Thank you for inspiring me that it is possible to gain a lot and lose it. I wish I had some words of wisdom on how not to gain much weight. I don't.


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